
Sep 02, 2011 23:09

Who: fivepetals & lovedthedeadone
When: forward-dated to September 3rd, morning
Where: the marketplace
Format: action!
What: a chance meeting
Warnings: . . . none?

[ It's not that often anymore that Momo has free time, between taking shifts at the café, and her more recent appointement as Lelouch's bodyguard, it's rare that she has time off. Not that the fact bothers her in the least, it's nice after all, to be busy; to feel useful. She can't say that spending time with Ukitake and dealing with customers is a chore, and as far as Lelouch is concerned... it's interesting to see how he operates in the casino. Not only that, she considers him to be a friend, and as such she almost feels guilty at how much he pays her. It's too much, for a simple service she thinks, and if the decision were up to her she'd accept much less.

As it is now, with the salary from both jobs, she has money to spend. Maybe that's why she had drifted to the market this morning, wandering around almost aimlessly. She really doesn't know what to get, living as simply as she does, it's confusing to be surrounded by so much... stuff. Giving a small sigh, she decides that maybe it would be best to head home when she spots a small flower stall at the edge of the market. She had always liked the brightness of flowers, and Bianchi's house, as run-down as it is, could use a spot of color...!

In retrospect, it may have not been wise to spend all the money she had on her on something as trivial as flowers, but, she can't bring herself to regret the decision. Carrying several bouquets of yellow roses, she starts home, vision partially obscured by the volume of the flowers in her arms. She makes it a good couple feet before colliding with something solid ( a person no less! ) the flowers tumbling out of her arms and onto the ground. There's a moment of silence as she registers what happened-- shouldn't a Shinigami be less clumsy?! ]

Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--

roxanne, momo hinamori

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