[closed] i see a red door and I want it painted black

Aug 26, 2011 23:09

Who: Tonks
When: Friday afternoon, August 26th.
Where: The Stone Archway
Format: Narrative
What: Tonks is bothered. She needs fresh air so she decides to go out for a walk where she winds up at the Stone Archway.
Warnings: Angst and horror, horror and angst.

It has been precisely seventeen days since Tonks had arrived at the decision to murder Bellatrix Lestrange.

It doesn't take much to inspire revenge. Bellatrix Lestrange is very good at bringing out the worst of people. She's good at inspiring emotions that a person might not ever feel, intense and deeply felt things that get inside and twist.

Tonks tells herself that it is justified. It's not just herself and her friends that have been hurt. The woman has caused pain and harm to the entirety of Anatole. She cannot be allowed to continue to maim and kill. Bellatrix must be stopped.

It's not murder, not really. It's an execution. That word sounds better.

If she were to be very honest, even with herself, her desire for revenge has very little to do with others. No. As awful as that is, Tonks cannot get past what was done to her. Her abduction, the horrible torture she had endured, the hope that had been dangled in front of her, and her eventual escape, they were all in her mind. With time, she has been getting better but some hurts or not easily healed, the fester first.

While she has made the conscious decision to take another person's life, Tonks has a problem. She has more than a few problems actually. First, she doesn't know where Bellatrix is. Her own stay with Bellatrix had been in a tiny dark cell. No one else knows where she is either, not even after Freya had been kidnapped. How does she lure Bellatrix out and into the open? That is her second problem. Tonks is convinced that the woman won't come out of hiding, not even for Tonks. What can she do? How can she bring her out?

It's all well and good to want to execute someone but how do you go about doing it?

When Tonks had woken up Friday morning, she woke up feeling strange. The feelings had not gone away as the hours progressed. She feels hot, bothered, on edge, and anxious. Sometimes, she feels everything at once. Other times, it's just one strange emotion. There were a few times she felt as though she needed a cold shower. It had gone on until Tonks finally felt the need to get out and get some air.

Which is where she now finds herself, out on the streets of Anatole and walking. Eventually, she finds herself in the center of Anatole and staring at a large, stone archway. Tonks recognizes it. It is the doorway that brought her to Anatole.

She takes a step closer to it. Tonks can see images flash through it. There's a moment where she thinks she can see her own world and it makes her take another step towards the arch. There's another moment and she sees the interior of the Department of Mysteries. Another moment flashes by and she's viewing Arthur's attack. Tonks blinks.

There's something in the air. It makes her think of Bellatrix. She thinks of how she might lure the witch out. It's something that she really and truly wants. Tonks doesn't have a way though. If only she has a way, she can proceed. If only she has a way, whatever this is can end. She can be at peace.

Can the archway show her the way?

Tonks takes another few steps and experimentally reaches out to touch the images. Her fingertips skim over nothing in the first pass. In the second pass, something happens. Lust is in the air. It signals in on Tonks' desire for revenge. It knows what will bring Bellatrix Lestrange out in the open or rather it knows who can make her come out and play.

Her fingertips pass over the images again and they ripple like water. Something nudges her from behind and Tonks steps through the arch.

Tonks doubles over. The change comes over her so swiftly that it's more than she can take. Everything about her changes. Her fingers stretch out to long pale things topped with talons. The nose on her face flattens. The hair on her head vanishes. Tonks' entire flesh morphs. It's almost white now and her red eyes match. When she makes it through to the other side, she turns around and catches sight of her reflection.

She laughs. It's not her own voice.

The strangeness in the air had not gifted Tonks with the ability to morph her body for this special occasion. Upon her arrival to Anatole, her powers had been increased without her knowing it. The only thing the strangeness does is to show her that she's capable. It shows her what she must do in order to lure Bellatrix out.

Tonks now has her way. The execution can now be properly planned.

!nymphadora tonks

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