[CLOSED] Kadaj & Yazoo

Jul 06, 2011 19:10

Who: Kadaj & Yazoo
When: Evening, July-06-11
Where: Cloud’s old apartment
Format: Prose
What: Brotherly bonding time and jailbreak plotting
Warnings: None

It had been almost one full year since Yazoo’s arrival in Anatole. Not a lot had changed during the course of that time. The Natives were still disagreeable. The Scorched were still deplorable. The city itself stood for the most part untransformed. It bored him.

While he had spent most of his time alone, Yazoo had built a rapport with a few select individuals out of necessity. Two out of three of the Abyssals had become allies. He had temporarily loaned his skills to Aizen in exchange for help finding a way back to Gaia. He had even attempted to win Cloud back over to their side, but the endeavor had been a futile stab in the dark. Cloud disappeared not long afterward.

Then along came Kadaj. There was no more need for anyone else, no need for substitutes. Yazoo wasn’t lonely. He was less bored, too. His brother was a full-time responsibility. This thought amused him. The corners of his mouth crept upward even as he lowered himself onto the sofa he’d filled with bullet holes some months ago.

“Did you see, Kadaj?” The remnant crossed one leg over the other and laid Velvet Nightmare across his lap. Carefully running a cloth along the exterior of the gun he continued, “That girl Loz fought with has arrived. I wonder what’s taking him so long.”

He paused in his ministration and his gaze wandered toward the other remnant. Nearly a year had passed before he’d been reunited with Kadaj. Would it be the same length of time before either of them saw Loz again? He hoped not. Mother didn’t deserve to be kept waiting-especially not for that long.

“We can’t toy with Zack anymore now that he’s not here. Think she’d be any fun instead, Kadaj?”

yazoo, kadaj

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