People Are Crazy And Times Are Strange

Jul 05, 2011 20:40

Who: Angel and Wesley
When: July 5th, earlier in the day
Where: The Patrol Library
Format: Paragraph, though I'm willing to switch it up.
What: Reunion time! And you know, Angel being concerned for Wesley's liver.
Warnings: Angst and brooding. Possible a one manpire alcohol intervention?

Wesley spent most of his time at work these days, going through the books that were stored in the Patrol library, looking for any usable information on Anatole. Anything that would help what? Go home? What exactly did Wesley have to go home to, besides death? It couldn't be changed, what was already destined to happen. But he didn't mind. Not really. If he went home, he could die and be with Fred again, and really, that didn't sound so bad. It sounded nice, even.

Besides, Buffy and now Angel were here, and they were champions. The world needed people like them. They were important. If he could help them return to their duty...well then at least it would be one thing he had managed to do right.

At least at the moment, Wesley was in his manic studying phase, kneeling on the floor over three or four books at once, which meant he probably hadn't drunk very much yet today. His body however, probably still reaked of whiskey and grief.

He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even hear the other man come inside at first. It was not until he picked himself up to grab a pen to write down some notes that he finally spotted Angel.

"Angel. I didn't hear you come in."

It was strange, in a way, to see the vampire again. When they had gone to fight the Black Thorn they had all gone in the knowledge that they probably would not see each other again.

!angel, !wesley wyndam-price

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