(no subject)

Jun 23, 2011 21:16

Who: Hermione & Tentatively Open. (Tread carefully.)
When: Late Thursday.
Where: In the city, but heading towards the ruins.
Format: Prose, but action suits me just fine.
What: ...kaboom?
Notes: Anyone is welcome to see her spells - especially the final one.

Hermione passed by the buildings in the city, her stride stiff and her face expressionless. Her wand was clutched in her right hand, her knuckles turning white. When she reached the outer portion of the city, she broke into a run, her expression finally revealing her inner turmoil. Tears coursed relentlessly down her cheeks, making it almost impossible to see.

But she knew when she reached the ruins. Sliding to a halt, she raised her wand and yelled as many curses as she could think of at a helpless (and thankfully inanimate) stone. The rock flew, bounced, changed shape a number of times before it finally exploded into a million red sparks.

Breathing hard, the witch stumbled and fell to her knees, sobbing hoarsely. Her mind was as chaotic as her spells. All she needed was...

A break... To see Harry and Ron again... To be done with this war.

Raising her head, brown eyes narrowed angrily, she rose to her feet and summoned every memory she had of her friends. At the right moment, she lifted her wand and cried:

"Expecto Patronum!"

Her otter Patronus broke free and raced through the city, leaving a stream of silver mist in its wake.

hermione granger, roxas, gwen tennyson

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