[Closed] Come down and join the circus, it's easy to do...

Jun 23, 2011 21:27

Who: demon_andbutler and beast_trainer
When: Backdated to the day Beast arrives.
Where: Newcomer apartments.
Format: Action?
What: Sebastian has to do some "catching up" with an old acquaintance...
Warnings: Sebastian being a smarmy bastard? Beast's temper? WHO KNOWS.

[Once again, to the newcomer apartments.

The building is familiar to Sebastian, after living here a brief spell himself when he first arrived, and the occasional visiting he's done - either to other newcomers or a very delightful young lass by the name of Miss Kitty, a supple, delicate feline. But usually, he doesn't come here with an agenda so serious as this.

It's a bit of a situation, the return of the woman known as Beast. She remembers quite a few things she didn't last time, which makes her brazen and difficult - dangerous, even. Sebastian is here to buy her silence, although how to achieve that when she very clearly seems to wish for his demise is quite a ... challenge. But he's always up for those.

He finds the correct unit and knocks on the door, then waits silently for Beast to answer the door.]

sebastian michaelis, beast

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