
Jun 14, 2011 23:37

Who: Aizen, Gin and Ulquiorra
When: Shortly after this thread
Where: Aizen's mansion in the upper class district.
Format: Staring with paragraph, but answer with whatever!
What: Ulquiorra is here, it's a party. ...no, there's not actually a party.
Warnings: None that I know of.

the world is lost and blown. )

sousuke aizen, ulquiorra cipher, gin ichimaru

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infidus June 17 2011, 08:24:41 UTC
It wasn't difficult to imagine Ulquiorra's inevitable reaction to his residence in Anatole. Anyone familiar with Las Noches would have been thrown... as would anyone who had known him from his days in Soul Society. Then, he had provided himself only with the most modest living arrangements - a simple place full of books dim lights, filled with the scent of green tea light incense: the light scent of jasmine, or sandalwood and clove. That place had been small and neat, yet cluttered, and cozy - well-suited the man who lived there - the soft-spoken, humble captain of Division 5.

Las Noches had been, of course, entirely different. Grand and spacious, minimalist and pale. Majestic. A world of white and glass and perfectly formed stone, with few edges and fewer imperfections. That place had suited his true face.

And then, this place, hovering in the space between.

In many ways, it seemed unsuitable for both of his faces - an awkward blend that produced an abode fit for someone who didn't exist, and had never been pretended to exist. But of course there were benefits, too, to maintaining an appearance of normalcy - to blending in. This he had learned in his century or more putting on the affectation of service. For one thing, information flowed more freely from the mouths of natives to the ears of one they believed to be "of" them, or at least not so far removed from them as he could show himself to be.

But even so, there are some eternal constants.

This, for example:

When Gin and Ulquiorra enter the room he had set aside for meetings, Aizen gestures to the tea cups already set before two of the three empty chairs that line the edges of the conference table. There were three for a reason: one for Gin, one he had originally had installed for Kaname during his brief stay, and an extra in case of new arrivals. They are smaller than his, but built in the same way - smooth, minimal, comfortable and white as new snow.

In the center of the table, a kettle stands, steaming.

As for Aizen himself, he sets the pawn down beside his chess board with a soft click.

"Please help yourself to the tea," he says, "And forgive the clutter." He taps the edge of the chessboard gently. "As it happens, I was halfway through a game when I received your message."

His voice is soft, almost gentle. Still, he watches the two of them, and his gaze is sharp as razors.


godslaying June 18 2011, 00:56:48 UTC
Whatever his true feelings about tea, Gin inches his smile up just a bit at Aizen's invitation. And though he'd much rather remain standing, perpetually at Aizen's back, he must take a seat this time. He passes by Tousen's chair - ah, those were the days. So many blind jokes, so little time.

Gin sits, picks the kettle up by the handle between two fingers. "Wonder who was winning." Halfway through the game. Checkmate is still some time away. He pours himself a little of the tea and places the kettle back down, leaving plenty for Ulquiorra.

"Did ya run into any of our little shinigami friends?"


sombras_blancas June 18 2011, 05:04:35 UTC
     It was a habit long developed, and easily picked up even though they were displaced worlds over. The small Espada paused after setting foot within the room, sliding his hand from his pocket to bring a fist to his chest as he bowed.

Only then did he make way towards the table, but it was only with Aizen's invitation that he seated himself, but not without a brief glance about the room and its contents. White, surely to be expected, although the splash of red here and there was a new touch. And then there was something else, a subtle detail that could almost be lost beneath the blend of several powerful reiatsu. Ulquiorra glanced downwards briefly, perhaps even curiously, before he raised his head, watching as Gin's spindly fingers picked up the tea kettle. His gaze slid towards the chessboard, and then up to look at Aizen himself as he offered a nod in response to his words. "I had not expected to draw so much attention, but I have a better understanding for the device because of it." Not to mention it had been helpful in finding out there were in fact familiar faces in this city.

Once Gin had set the kettle down, Ulquiorra reached over to take it up with careful fingers. This too, was a habit learned. What use had Arrancar for tea, anyway? Those same hands that could pierce through flesh like a fine-bladed weapon took great care in pouring a cup of tea for himself, delicately replacing the kettle upon the table thereafter.

"...no," he replied to Gin's inquiry as he lifted his cup in hands as pale as that which he held. "...not in person, at least." Aizen was already aware of his conversation with Rukia, so he would not be surprised if the others he had spoken to over the Forge had also been noted as well.


infidus June 21 2011, 08:00:17 UTC
Aizen took a long sip of his tea, watching them, listening. And when Gin asked who had been winning, he chuckled... on the inside, though his facial expression did not change in the slightest. In the end, there was only one suitable answer to that question: the same answer he always had, in any conflict: he had been winning.

This was a fairly unremarkable truth, and one that did not hold his attention for very long. Instead, he listened again - watched them take their seats and accept the tea that, frankly, he'd never been convinced that they actually had any independent drive toward enjoying. It was always interesting to note how easily others could be bent to even the pettiest of demands, even without an order or request. That, he supposed, was the nature of power... and what it meant to wield it.

"They have been rather tame, of late." Aizen set the cup down, gently. "Indeed, this time, Ukitake has even managed to avoid throwing himself on my sword in a fit of pique. Perhaps that means he's grown as a person." At that he allowed himself a small smirk... only for a moment, before he turned his attention to more important matters.

"I arrived eight months back," he said, dragging a finger along the glass surface of the table. "Gin arrived soon after, and then Kaname, though he did not stay as long. Since then, we have seen a good number of faces from our world arrive, and fade away. Abarai, the apparently animated corpse of Kuchiki's wife, Ukitake. Shunsui." He waved a hand, idly, almost dismissively, though his mind ran through a million thoughts at once. They arrived, and disappeared. They came from different times, and sometimes had subtly different personalities, as well. It was enough to occupy his mind with theories for months. And it had.

"This world has unique properties, if one can truly call it a world. It draws its inhabitants from separate worlds. Separate timelines. And yet, somehow, it leaves experiences intact. It alters the body, as well - rendering the invisible visible. Even simple hollows can be seen by the average Anatolian, here." He circled the rim of his cup with a fingertip. "It has allowed no one to escape its grasp, thus far. Not by their own choice, that is." And then his gaze sharpened again, and his hands ceased their movements.

"This record cannot go untarnished forever."

What has been done, the espada had asked over that device. And there it was. The beginnings of an answer.

Because really, in a world without God, what greater conquest could there be than nature itself, and the child-kings who commanded it?

And what greater power could there be than the ability to control a device that could reach through space and time themselves?


godslaying June 23 2011, 00:17:49 UTC
"Give it time. I'm sure ya will." How does Gin's face not split from that grin?

Ah, and then Aizen is off and running. It's nothing Gin hasn't heard before. Or at the very least, nothing he didn't suspect anyway. Aizen could never be accused of being predictable, but for as long as there were stars above his head, he could be expected to reach for them, want to control them.

"Wouldn't want the place gettin' dull on us." A hint of teeth at his little play on words. "We have to see to it that Aizen's will is done. Why else would we be lucky enough to be here at his side."

Gin sips at his tea. It's kind of bitter.


sombras_blancas June 23 2011, 04:50:03 UTC
     It was a subtle shift in expression, and one that did not go unnoticed by those green eyes that never seemed to blink. Ulquiorra remained silent as Aizen spoke, giving his full attention as he lowered the cup of tea after a sip. He had no opinions towards the beverage, and it wasn't as though Hollows or even Arrancar indulged in such things by their own whims. This had become simple protocol, although even of the Espada, only very few had the patience to take any more than the initial sip.

It had been one thing to be informed that there were time variances for those brought to this world from their own, but hearing that Aizen had been here eight months prior seemed almost surreal. There's but a subtle change in the Espada's own expression at that revelation, those green eyes widening but a fraction. What was this place and this mist...this power that was able to transcend the boundaries of worlds, of time and space....

And then the implications from that simple statement are nothing surprising. Much like Gin, Ulquiorra could have anticipated such a conquest to be set, especially now that he had a better understanding for their situation. He glanced from the pale-haired ex-Captain to the one both acknowledged as their Superior, giving Aizen the faintest of nods as he waited.

Foolishness? No, perhaps not completely. If they possessed the drive, then the lengths to which they went to obtain what was believed unattainable were boundless.

To find meaning in such things, or to place a meaning upon them; such things he had abandoned when he had first broken off his mask. But here he was brought, displaced- or for an actual purpose? If not the latter, then he would be given one, even in this world running circles to escape oblivion.


infidus June 27 2011, 20:48:28 UTC
Ambition, as it happens, is available in unlimited quantities... at least for Aizen. And foolishness is not a word he would willingly apply to himself - though he is not always so generous with those who follow him. It was, of course, his eternal nature to reach beyond his own limits - to achieve the unachievable.

However, that did not imply that he was blind, or rash. For all his strength, for all his brilliance, he had always been well aware of his own limitations - not quite as intelligent as Urahara, not quite as powerful as Yamamoto. And he had never been afraid to accept those limitations, even to admit to them. And he had never hesitated to work around them, to create new roads that avoided them entirely. This, in the end, was the greatest part of his power, aside from the power itself.

That these roads were long, sometimes - decades long, or centuries... that was irritating, at times, and yet unavoidable. And he was patient. After all, what was time to him?

So, it was likely unsurprising, too, when he paused for a thought, his finger at the edge of that cup, and said, "It will take some time. As it stands, I have been investigating the nature of the energy surrounding us, and its effect on those who arrive here.

"...and investigating the nature of certain other energy types present in this world that were absent from our own. I trust you can sense them clearly enough."

He knows the names of them, by now, when they have names. Chakra. Yoki. Some of the others are less clear, or entirely unnamed. Every one of them is interesting.


godslaying July 1 2011, 00:37:11 UTC
"Anything in particular you'd like to peek into, Ulquiorra?" Gin rests his sharp chin against his fist, somehow 'watching' the Espada across the table. "Don't be shy now. Tell us what you think about this little opportunity." Of all of them, this was the one hardest to read. And that made him slightly a challenge, even to Gin.

"There's that tribe of women. They're pretty interestin'" Gin chuckles softly. "And you've got experience in that sort of thing. Handled Orihime right nicely. Have to admit, I've been keepin' tabs on one or two of them myself. But I'm always up for reassignment."

He's been doing a lot of trolling at the marketplace lately. Sure, it wouldn't help much with Aizen's plan, but it was good fun.


sombras_blancas July 2 2011, 05:52:11 UTC
     Time. Time was nothing in the face of those that had seen it pass by as they had. Days and months were gone with a sigh, years lasting but an eye blink.

The board had changed on them, but the object of the game itself, not so much. Now that Ulquiorra had a better understanding of the situation, he couldn't be surprised at all of the things Aizen indulged. His eyes flicked once again towards that unseen presence beneath them before nodding at him. If this place drew beings from various worlds, then the potential for gathered powers was only limited by whatever powers existed that brought them there. It was easy to see where the ultimate focus should be.

But all in good time. The Espada had not been here a day, and his trip to the mansion had been a short one; he felt there would be plenty of opportunity to study his new venue, but Aizen was not to be kept waiting. Still, the density of the foreign energy traces around him had been hard to ignore. However, where they presently were muted everything else for the concentration of reiatsu...and whatever lay beneath the floor of the mansion.

"I will familiarize myself with the city, foremost." That response was made to Gin, those unblinking green eyes sliding over in the silver-haired man's direction. There was the hint of a brow arch at the ex-3rd captain's following words. If he'd hoped to draw more of a reaction than that, Gin would have to be disappointed. "And if there is anything in particular you would have me do..." He was here, he had reported in, so it was only natural to expect to be put to use.


infidus July 8 2011, 07:41:29 UTC
Aizen listened silently to Gin and Ulquiorra's short exchange, his lips pressed together just slightly. In truth, that group of women were fairly interesting - for their sheer number if nothing else and, beyond that, for their nature. Even now, he can't quite help but consider them as coccoon forms for far more interesting beings... like that bundle of fleshy strips called Riful, or the woman who had shared his time until her recent... transformation, Luciela.

And, of course, Isley. The one being in all of Anatole whom Aizen regarded as anything resembling a true threat.

Something to investigate, of course, and he had already begun investigating in various forms, though his resources were somewhat thinner in Anatole than they had been at home - he had fewer agents, for one thing, at least one of which constantly treaded the line between ally and irritating to the point of becoming disposible.

Even so, there were any number of things he'd like to have done. Which simply made this arrival all the more advantageous.

"I expect it goes without saying that adjusting is the first concern," he said, soft voiced, eyes on his own fingers as they traced circles around the rim of his cup. "Once that has been accomplished, there are a number of residents I would like you to 'visit' with. Samples of their flesh or blood may prove useful in unlocking the source of their unusual abilities." He finger paused in its motions. "You are, of course, welcome to take up residence here."


ugh, i'm so sorry for holding you guys up. x.x; godslaying July 18 2011, 21:11:50 UTC
Gin's grin stretched a little more. He should've known not to expect too much out of Ulquiorra. Maybe a little disappointed...but not surprised. And tomorrow was a new day.

"Shall I make a room ready?" Might as well make himself useful, since Aizen gives the orders. He'll even try to find him one that had never been stained in blood. It's not much, but more of an effort than he would've made for some of the Espada.


*Patpats* sombras_blancas July 19 2011, 03:37:08 UTC
     The tea had long remained untouched, as though the most important gestures had been covered with its serving and the first sip. Likely it had cooled considerably by now that even if he had thought to take another drink, it wouldn't have been as enjoyable. If tea were even an enjoyable thing for him.

Ulquiorra had returned his gaze towards Aizen, remaining respectfully silent as a brief outline was given of what duties he would be carrying out in the near future. He inclined his head, if slightly, at the invitation to stay in the mansion. It would undoubtedly be more convenient.


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