
Jun 14, 2011 23:37

Who: Aizen, Gin and Ulquiorra
When: Shortly after this thread
Where: Aizen's mansion in the upper class district.
Format: Staring with paragraph, but answer with whatever!
What: Ulquiorra is here, it's a party. ...no, there's not actually a party.
Warnings: None that I know of.

Aizen never failed to have his interests piqued by the comings and goings in Anatole. His own arrival had, of course, been interesting in itself... particularly coming, as it did, along with Gin's. Since then, he had seen a number of appearances and disappearances, primarily captains and lieutenants and (with a rather bizarre frequency) the dead wives of captains and lieutenants. There had also been, of course, that quincy, and the Inoue girl. For a time, there had been Kaname, as well, though that hadn't lasted long. A shame, in a way. Of course, he might always return - as Captain Ukitake had. As that Kuchiki girl and her head sister had. For a time, it seemed as though the Door was quite fixated on bringing the same group to the doorstep of the city over and over again. Ad infinitum. Interesting, in its way, but monotonous even so.

This, however, was new, and a much more pleasant arrival than yet another self-righteous shinigami. That it was Ulquiorra specifically only pleased him more - is it happened, Ulquiorra was one of the few Espada who hadn't managed to annoy him by the end of that little adventure.

With these thoughts in mind, he sat in wait, his fingers idly turning a smoked glass chess piece over between them - a captured pawn, removed from the field and therefore useless. A little prize. His surroundings would be no surprise, he knew - sparsely decorated, white on white on glass on white. And Gin, of course, eternally by his side like a white shadow. Perhaps stranger would be the occasional red accent - a burst of red blossoms on the white and glass sideboard, and the trail of petals like drops of blood, surrounding its smoked glass vase. The legacy of a woman who had spent a good deal of time in his home, until recently.

Of course, there were other pieces to her legacy, too. The strange, alien energy that seeps from the bowels of the mansion - the basement lab Aizen had erected, containing his latest experiments and the samples he'd taken from that woman's body as well. All things he would explain when the time came.

Now, though, the time was rapidly approaching - as was the recognizable feel of Ulquiorra's considerable reiatsu.

"Bring him to me." Aizen did not lift his head, or change his expression. Instead, he simply gestured to Gin. "It seems the three of us have a great deal to discuss."

sousuke aizen, ulquiorra cipher, gin ichimaru

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