Who: Dende and YOU~
When: 6/9
Where: the streets of "Ant-ta-tole"
Format: whatever you see fit~
What: Dende is DETERMINED to make friends with EVERYONE... so what better way then flowers?
After the big scary fights and battles and such, Dende was sure that the people of 'Ant-ta-tole' could use some cheering up, and since he had worked his very hardest trying to heal them, hopefully they wouldn't be as frightened of him! So that is why Dende is wandering through the streets with a little basket of peculiar alien flowers, tugging on peoples clothes and offering them a little flower.
Though Dende's efforts of making friends once again fall flat. Most of the citizens simply ignore Dende and keep walking, or even worse, toss the flowers on the ground and keep walking. Dende is always VERY quick to pick up any discarded flowers, they were very special on his planet after all.
Unfortunately after hours of scurrying around he finally gives up, and takes a seat on some steps with a basket of crushed flowers sitting next to him. He's got his head in his hands watching the people go by, wondering how he could make friends with them.