Break Finds His Left Eye

May 19, 2011 21:02

Who: break_onthru and uselesscigfiend
When: May 8. YAAAY Backdating!
Where: Newcomers' apartment building, Gil's unit!
Format: ...Action? I'm still burnt out on prose, sob
What: A reunion, but not the kind either party is expecting, I'm sure.
Warnings: Confusion. A lot of confusion. Likely frustration and possibly anger.

Can you see me now? )

xerxes break, gilbert nightray

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Comments 18

uselesscigfiend May 20 2011, 01:15:56 UTC
[ He's been waiting, and yet somehow, he's still surprised by the knock. Maybe he hadn't believed Break would actually come, or he'd thought that surely this strange device was some kind of trick that was trying to give him hope that he shouldn't have.

He wants to know where Oz is, but at least... Break is here, and that means that he can find out something. Because Break is always the one who has told him what he needed to know to do what he needed to do, and vice versa.]

I'm coming.

[ He's still been sitting in the floor, waiting, and so he pushes himself up, his clothes disheveled and his hat left behind on the floor, for the moment.

He steps to the door, tugs it open, rubbing his free hand against his temple and stepping back to let the man in.]


break_onthru May 20 2011, 21:32:56 UTC
[The door opens and Break sweeps in, his cane in one hand and the long white overcoat flapping behind him. No Emily, however. He only takes her if she serves a purpose, and she's been quieter and quieter as of late, anyway.

He doesn't even wait for the door to close before turning back to face Gil. Break hopes he wasn't lying when he said he was uninjured, because he wouldn't be able to tell if Gil was bleeding from sight alone.]

I want to know what happened at Isla Yura's. I remember nothing after the fight with the Baskervilles. Will Liam be all right? And Oz? Did you get to the sealing stone?

[Too many questions, and they're coming out faster than he had intended. But he's had two months for this to stew in his mind. And there's something he didn't have a chance to tell Gil, finally sharing the suspicion he's had about Vincent and the Baskervilles all along. It's still important that Gil knows, but now that the moment they were fighting together has passed, Break is not sure how easy it will be to tell him. Add the obvious ( ... )


uselesscigfiend May 20 2011, 21:50:34 UTC
[ Gilbert is simply staring up at Break, for a long moment, because really what the hell is the man going on about? He's making even less sense than usual, and Gilbert is pretty sure that it has nothing to do with his own overindulgence in alcohol the previous night.

He reaches out to grab at Break's shoulders, attempting to stop the pacing.]

Oz? You're worried about Oz? What happened to Oz?

[ Yeah, out of all that, that is exactly how much he got.]


break_onthru May 20 2011, 22:36:35 UTC
[In the past, Break could side-step that grasp easily. Now he doesn't catch the blur of movement until Gil already has him. He stops abruptly, lifting his head up toward Gil's face, although of course he can't make out much more than the aptly named seaweed head. Annoyance surges through him. Why aren't they understanding each other? Surely Gil isn't THAT thick.]

I don't know. You were going back in. You wanted to leave me with Sharon, remember?

[He was planning to go back in anyway. Never mind his possibly mortal wound. Never mind the fire. He wasn't going to be excluded from the mission, even if it was rather literally going to hell in a hand-basket.]


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