Break Finds His Left Eye

May 19, 2011 21:02

Who: break_onthru and uselesscigfiend
When: May 8. YAAAY Backdating!
Where: Newcomers' apartment building, Gil's unit!
Format: ...Action? I'm still burnt out on prose, sob
What: A reunion, but not the kind either party is expecting, I'm sure.
Warnings: Confusion. A lot of confusion. Likely frustration and possibly anger.

[Break hasn't been to the newcomer apartments in awhile. In fact, not since the little incident with Rapunzel's cookies (really, he's all better now, it's like it never happened), but between living here and having friends who still do, he knows his way around. So much so he doesn't even hesitate in the foyer - he can reach the stairwell in onetwothreefourfivesix steps. He knows how many stairs are in each flight, and he can very easily find the correct floor.

Getting to the right door is a bit trickier, but his mental math is improving with all these daily calculations. Evens to one side of him, odd to the other. If he counts up to the number Gil gave him, he should pass half that number of doors until...

He stops abruptly and turns to one door in particular. Surreptitiously he feels the metal numbers screwed into the door and they match the ones in his mind. He smiles for a brief moment.

Small victories.

Unfortunately, he hasn't come here to discuss those. It's the failures he has on his mind now, and he's gone two months without being able to even discuss them. His fingers turn into a fist and he knocks, swift and hard.]

Gilbert, let me in.

xerxes break, gilbert nightray

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