[Closed] A touching reunion

May 17, 2011 00:30

Who: Rin and Shiro
When: May 15
Where: Outside Shiro's apartment
Format: Prose
What: Rin gets to see his dad for the first time since he watched him die. Fun times.
Warnings: Rin sometimes lets the curse words slip. Also, there may be sightings of an emo teenager. Will be updated if anything else comes up.

When Rin first heard his father's voice coming through the Forge, he had been loitering around town after finishing up an odd job. Even if he had been in the middle of something, there would have been no question as to whether or not Rin would immediately run back to the part of town where the outlanders lived. Some things were just too important to put off.

Rin was looking a little worse for the wear: he had been wearing and washing the same set of clothes since he arrived in Anatole, and they were beginning to show signs of deterioration. At least he had managed to find a cheap pair of old boots the first week. Anatole was not the best place to go barefoot. He had borrowed a bit of water to wash the soot off his face and hands after he finished work, but a stray smudge remained on his cheek.

He still couldn't quite believe that the old man was here in Anatole. Sure, he'd seen him and heard him over the Forge, but he was still afraid to really believe. If this was all a trick or a dream, it would be better to not get his hopes up. Of course, even though he wasn't sure he was convinced, he knew he would be hurt if this wasn't for real.

Rin was thankful the streets weren't crowded right now. He was able to make good time as he dashed across town. Just as he was rounding the corner to the apartment where he assumed the old man would be, he ran head-on into a woman carrying a large basket of odds and ends. He cringed as they went flying and the woman gave him a sour look. He scrambled to return everything to the basket, apologizing the whole time, but the woman didn't even thank him. She just turned her nose up into the air, sniffed loudly, and walked away.

"Old hag..." Rin muttered to himself as he straightened back up and dusted off his pants, his tail twitching in annoyance.

rin okumura, shiro fujimoto

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