[CLOSED] Cause if I'm restless...

May 16, 2011 19:38

Who: Roxas and Tsuna
When: Yesterday, late night/early morning
Where: Their apartment
Format: Action
What: Roxas returns home at an ungodly hour because he hasn't been able to sleep. Thank the mist and his curiosity for the nightmares.
Warnings: Most likely TEEN ANGST

[Running on autopilot is sometimes a blessing when it feels like you barely have the strength to move. Sleepless nights were a frequent occurrence for Roxas recently, and he would go out and do something productive or explore until his feet were numb; he would save enough energy to drag himself back home, but it was depleted so much that he could pass out quietly against a wall in his room on his arrival. It would be a dark, dreamless sleep for a few hours until the nightmares flooded his head with images that would normally be nostalgic, but were twisted and distorted. And a familiar voice-- 'Not yet, not yet'...

It was always difficult to keep quiet though. He never wanted to wake up Tsuna to find him like this, but tonight was not a good night. Everything was silent in the hallway except for the hiss of the dark corridor he dismissed. It was all going smoothly, too smoothly, and he was able to slip inside their room with a quiet squeak of the door...until a dizzy spell hit him hard. All control was lost for a brief moment, but long enough to create a small commotion. Taking a step back, the door rattled as his elbow connected with it in an involuntarily swing before he reached out, clawing at the side of the wall to regain his balance.]

Ugh...Not good.... [With his head bowed, Roxas continued to mutter to himself as he shook his head to clear the daze. If that didn't wake Tsuna up, then he picked the right person to room with. Other than that, part of his mind feared the consequences of being found in his state while the other focused the headache starting to form.]

tsunayoshi sawada, roxas

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