[closed : wash the questions off my hands i'm the fate in no one's plans]

Mar 28, 2011 23:15

Who: girl_unlocking & straygunner
When: After this conversation.
Where: On the roof of Jay's old place.
Format: Action!
What: Riza's dead. Dawn's a mess. Heine is almost worried. And hey, alcohol.
Warnings: Underage drinking, angst, language probably, violent thoughts/memories?

[It's been a while since she's been up here - hasn't since that night, and somehow it seems light years away, like someone else's memory. Shit, maybe it is.

She's not careful as she climbs, watches numbly as a brick looses, crumbling pieces striking the ground far below, her breath coming in heavy huffs (sobs channeled elsewhere?) until she's up and over, Feet on solid rooftop, shoes still redbrown and reminding, but it feels wrong somehow to not be reminded.

A turn, a look down at the far off street beneath, and a quiet sinking as she seats herself on the curling ledge. Gets a good look at her shoes in the inconsistent light. Swallows, closes her eyes and slips her bag from her shoulders. Slides out the bottle, sets it down. And to no one in particular, but most likely to Riza, who can't answer:]

When did everything get so messed up?

heine rammsteiner, dawn summers

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