Derp Tales (aka. In which Galatea tries to provide counceling for the stubborn)

Nov 23, 2010 01:43

Who: Roy Mustang (ignite_the_sky) and Galatea visionblessing
When: A day. Sometime after the Broadcast mind event.
Where: Galatea's shiny new office/room in the Patrol HQ
Format: Paragraph (feel free to change cos I'm not picky)
What: Galatea's getting her first counseling visit! Too bad it has to come in the form of someone who's kept himself carefully tucked away behind masks for so long he's not really sure where the masks end and he begins.
Warnings: Derp? And attempts to explain things? Possible confusion? Um... nothing major. I feel really bad for her.

He'd considered then discarded the idea repeatedly until finally caving to the confusion that flooded his mind whenever he so much as glanced at his own reflection, the sight of it immediately bringing to the surface thoughts of the one person who'd brought him this far: one Riza Hawkeye. After seeing a glimpse of what had taken place in that span of time he couldn't recall and then getting responses from her that stung for reasons he didn't understand, only to turn around and have his own nightmare broadcast where she had been able to see and grill him over it, he wasn't sure what to think anymore. She drove him crazy and he didn't know why.

Part of him had been deathly serious when he'd suggested setting himself on fire, but he'd been burned before and he didn't think he'd be able to stay conscious long enough to completely immolate himself.

Unable to handle it anymore and uncertain of why he couldn't do it, he'd decided to make use of something Priscilla had brought up in a post to the Forge a while ago. Why he felt he needed to was one more thing he didn't know, since he hadn't sought any sort of help after Ishbal -probably a mistake considering his part in things, but he hadn't felt it necessary then- and yet after repeated arguments with his Lieutenant over things that were actually rather silly in the grand scheme of things, he was turning to somebody else to sort it all out for him.

Galatea wasn't someone he'd met before -he'd only spoken to her once or twice to his knowledge- but she was removed from the situation, therefore unbiased and safe. Sure, he may never be able to look the woman in the eye after he dumped everything on her, but the possibility of having a shred of clarity in all of this was worth the risk.

It was with that thought held firm in his mind that he trudged toward the doorway that led to either explanation and clarification or a lot more confusion and a higher possibility of self-immolation later, and knocked lightly at the door. If she wasn't there, he could always take it as a sign that he just wasn't supposed to understand this at all.

galatea, roy mustang

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