(no subject)

Nov 22, 2010 17:51

Who: Deneve (twoswordjuniper), Helen (applelimber)
When: Late night.
Where: The Foxhole
Format: Paragraph
What: Partners ponder recent...events
Warnings: PG-13 for language

It wasn't that Helen needed sleep, at least not much of it. But she always managed to get a few decent hours a night. It was just like eating, really. She enjoyed the things that kept her human. But for the past couple of days, sleep and her appetite couldn't be found.

The sign on the Foxhole's door had read 'Closed' for those days as well. And it was likely to stay that way for the time being. She needed to contact Jason, her drinking buddies and regular customers. She needed to tell them that the party was off.

Helen twisted the lid off a bottle of beer as she paced the dark room of the humble establishment. But she didn't dare let the alcohol affect her -- she had to stay sharp. Even drinking had been ruined for her.

And for that, he should really be made to pay.

helen, deneve

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