[closed] Now's the only time I know

Nov 21, 2010 16:33

Who: Jason Todd (jaytodd ), Dawn Summers (girl_unlocking ) and Spike (samianscar )
When:  after this network post / November 19th
Where: Dawn's place.
Format: action.
What: after Dawn's disturbing dream, Jason goes looking for her.
Warnings:  Jason. Nightmare aftermath.

[she says first-floor, she says the number - she can hide and so can he, but their voices give away everything.

He wants to throw up, at what her mind gave away. He'd never, he'd never.... but it's enough that she can imagine it. And the coffin, it feels like his fault- no, it's the Mist, the Mist and here, and Anatole and the fucking Forge and don't look Dawnie, don't look, please don't look.

He finds the right place, the right door. A few knocks.]

Dawn? It's Jason. Are you still there?

-incomplete, spike, dawn summers, jason todd

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