
Nov 19, 2010 20:13

Who: Sasori (eternalscorpion ) and Joker (circus_bones )
When: Backdated to the 16th, shortly after this thread
Where: Shinra HQ
Format: Paragraph
What: Joker needs a bit of a helping hand...with his hand, and Sasori's volunteered.
Warnings: Language and maybe some potentially disturbing conversation

Sasori may have looked quite at ease, puffing on a cigarette quietly by the entrance of the building that currently served as Shinra's headquarters, but appearances were deceiving; he was, in fact, full of impatience and excitement. Who would have thought that this irritating beast's presence could turn out to be a boon for him? He'd been itching for the opportunity to closely examine that mysterious prosthetic of Joker's after catching glimpses of it in action at the circus. He was quite eager to discern how it worked...and to determine if his suspicions about its construction involved were correct.

His familiarity with the materials in question were too great for him not to consider that possibility, even if the crafting technique involved didn't seem to be exactly the same as his own. No matter. He was, after all, the greatest puppet maker Sunagakure had ever produced; he was quite confident he'd be able to unlock the limb's secrets, it was simply a question of time.

He crushed out the remains of his cigarette and scanned his gaze over the passers-by. Waiting like this was always the worst part.

sasori, -incomplete, joker

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