[Closed] Always stays the same

Oct 31, 2010 23:41

Who: Ukitake, Sephiroth, and possibly medical assistance
When: Monday Nov 1st, early afternoon
Where: Deserted street out somewhere near the edges of the city
Format: Action
What: Ukitake went looking for trouble in the form of a certain Gotei traitor, and has to pay the consequences
Warnings: Blood. Lots of blood.

[Ukitake's world had narrowed to pain. It wasn't the first time he'd been injured this badly in combat, but it was rare - he risked enough with his illness, so combat was frequently a thin enough line as it was. This level of power, though... he hadn't anticipated it. Had Aizen grown that much stronger? Or had he simply been hiding this long? The power to defeat one of the senior captains of the Gotei 13...

The thought drifted through his mind in a hazy, disconnected way. Movement only brought more pain, and the one attempt so far had triggered a bout of coughs so bad he had nearly choked on the blood. For the moment he was focussed on simply breathing, even as pain burned in his chest. But breathing was necessary for living, and he had to hold on long enough for someone to find him. His shikai - Byakuya should have felt that, at least, along with the sudden collapse of his power after Aizen's attack. And maybe there was others here who could sense the battle and it's conclusion.

Perhaps wishful thinking, but it's enough to keep him holding on a little longer.]

[OOC: For sensors - the fight probably went down in the early afternoon on Monday - feel free to notice! Just getting this up early while I have time :3]

jyuushirou ukitake, sephiroth

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