Oct 31, 2010 21:18

Who: anyone!
When: The third night of the party
Where: ... Manor of Leaves >.> ATTIC edition.
Format: Any format you like.
What: You've entered the attic. There's someone waiting.
Warnings: None so far!

When you step into the attic, the first thing you feel is... safe. Warm. Whatever madness - the visions, the pain - that has been plaguing you today fades away in an instant, here.

Here, the light is gentle, the atmosphere... quiet.

The room itself is cluttered - a collection of things, odd things. Things you've seen before, and things you haven't. You recognize -- oh. That's something from your homeworld, isn't it? And yet, that thing there, it doesn't exist anywhere you've been. It's strange, and this room, it's strange too - familiar somehow, though you've never been inside it.

Across the room, the windows are open, and you hear the sounds of... what? Is it the city outside? No... or. Yes? The sounds keep changing, and if you step closer, you notice there are images playing across the windows, too. The images of many worlds, skimming across the glass, like the images inside the Door.

The overall impact of it is such that at first you don't notice it. Or maybe it just wasn't there until now, because once you see it, you can't imagine how you didn't before. It covers the floor, almost entirely - a massive model city. Intricately carved, beautifully designed. It is beautiful, perfect...

...familiar. A closer look. It is Anatole. A perfect model of Anatole - every street, every building.

A closer look. There is a model of the twin's manor, too. In the attic, a light burns.

That's when you notice... them. Two children, no older than eight. Blond and beautiful, rosy cheeked, sitting beside the model. Playing.

They seem to be twins.

[ooc: it's the endgame log for the house event. Tagging into this log is not required to leave the house, but everyone in the house passes through the attic. It's just that we don't mind your handwaving it if you'd prefer to. Any threads will be short, as our NPCs don't like to talk much, and will eventually wave you away.]

miria, deneve, npc:twins, remus lupin

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