001 | video

Dec 21, 2011 21:48

[ taking place some time after this.

The Forge flickers on. A bright-eyed girl is looking into the screen, curly hair framing a gentle smile. She's wearing a Victorian men's jacket (sorry, Renly, you'll never get it back again) over what appears to be a wedding dress. Ulterior motives? Of course she has none. ]I do hope that you won’t scare off ( Read more... )

fai d. flourite, robert baratheon, sansa stark, !margaery tyrell, jaime lannister, arthur pendragon, eddard "ned" stark, arya stark

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Comments 41

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tyrellrose December 22 2011, 06:13:57 UTC
[ The only Starks she's met are Sansa, who looks entirely Tully, and Catelyn, who is a Tully. As a result, she doesn't actually recognise Lord Stark. ]

My sincerest thanks, my lord. I shall remember your kindness.


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tyrellrose December 22 2011, 06:34:26 UTC
[ Thankfully, seeing Renly has prepared her for this, and that mention of Sansa has made her light up. Still, you know, another dead man.]

Lord Stark! I regret that I did not have the opportunity to meet you before, but I'm glad to see you here. Is Sansa with you? I would very much like to see her again.


fearcutsdeeper December 22 2011, 08:07:55 UTC

Winter comes quickly here.

[Margaery Tyrell. She mentally locks the name to the face on the Forge. The sound of it is familiar -- the Tyrells, of Highgarden -- but it means little to her, in practice.]


tyrellrose December 22 2011, 08:31:02 UTC

So I gathered. Do you have a name, my little helpful ghost?


fearcutsdeeper December 22 2011, 08:35:30 UTC

If you tell me who you are.


tyrellrose December 22 2011, 08:51:35 UTC
You know my name already. I was once a queen, but titles hold no weight here. Instead, I will say that I am someone lucky enough to have found friends and family waiting in an unfamiliar world.


killedbyapig December 22 2011, 09:58:34 UTC

[He is way too hungover to handle this.

After days of waking up only to see Stannis' beautiful, judgmental face, a girl in the bachelor pad is a welcome sight. He assumes she must be Renly's-- while similarly assuming that she's a prostitute-- and feels a bit of pride. Maybe his telling Renly of the differences between men and women's arms finally set him on the right path.

But, first, time to make some hair o' the dog that bit him. More like tore his leg off, he thinks.] Good morning, my lady.


tyrellrose December 22 2011, 10:16:39 UTC
[ Her first impression of King Robert Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, is distinctly underwhelming.

But he is still the king, and courtesies must be followed. She curtsies prettily. ]

Your Grace.


supercilious December 22 2011, 11:04:55 UTC
I must say, you're the politest new arrival we've had in quite some time.


tyrellrose December 22 2011, 18:02:00 UTC
Pleasantry comes easily when talking to someone like you.


supercilious December 26 2011, 05:27:32 UTC
You may be surprised how many don't agree with you. Welcome, I suppose. Arthur Pendragon. Well, Prince Arthur Pendragon, but it's easier not to stand on formality in Anatole. These days, at any rate.

[ He trails off, clears his throat. ]


tyrellrose December 26 2011, 08:17:38 UTC
[ margaery's actual superpower: avoiding awkward silences ]

Then, Prince Arthur, you will understand my fear for my realm.


f_eye_candy December 22 2011, 15:19:33 UTC
Now, that's the way to take on a new world! It's nice to see a pretty, happy face instead of all the grumpy ones! [Psssh Fai, you didn't exactly take your arrival very well either.]


tyrellrose December 22 2011, 17:59:40 UTC
[ Ladies, especially Tyrell ladies who are about to become queen, do not freak out in public. ]

I suppose I could grump around too, should we need to meet a standard of unpleasantness.


f_eye_candy December 22 2011, 18:13:51 UTC
[That's the bunny! Much better to have a huge inner freakout.]

[Also, he will laugh delightedly at her words.] Oh no, please don't. I think there are enough grumpy people here to more than enough make up for you and me both.


tyrellrose December 22 2011, 18:20:03 UTC
[ laugh ]

Then, we must do our best to uphold the banners of happiness and good cheer.


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