004 ...accidental video

Nov 26, 2011 06:49

[the first thing you see is blackness... though the Forge is obviously recording. This is evident from the sounds: soft laughter (a man's, and then a woman's, too). When the darkness finally lifts, it becomes obvious that the camera was, until that moment, blocked by a hand. Likely the same hand that accidentally turned the Forge on.]

[Give it a moment - one moment - and the screen is covered with golden hair. It lays like a translucent veil across the camera, and you can just barely see the woman it belongs to, currently locked in an embrace with an equally golden haired man.]

[Some may know this woman. For those who do, the wavy golden locks of the woman called Teresa of the Faint Smile are well-known... as are the strange, silver eyes that glisten when she opens her eyes for a moment, between kisses.]

[Some may know the man, as well. He has not been in Anatole as long, no. Yet, Jaime Lannister's cocky smirk and harsh tongue is well known to those from his world... as is his fondness for blond women.]

[Another kiss - he whispers something in her ear, and takes a moment to down another mouthful of that endlessly generous wine, even as she chuckles, deep in the back of her throat... and drinks, as well.]

[Jaime moves closer to her, and then pauses.]

...I don't believe that's meant to be recording.

[He says it with a toothy grin, just before he reaches over and flips the Forge off.]

[ooc: some hours teresa's post.

minatsuki "hummingbird" takami, irene, !jaime lannister, dawn summers, miata, !teresa, lust, katniss everdeen, clare

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