semi-accidental video

Nov 26, 2011 00:13

[The Forge turns on, and what you see is... an eye. A dark, upside-down eye, in fact, which is clearly not Teresa's. Someone else has her Forge, and they're not sure how to use it. As they fiddle with it you can see that this is a girl, small with dirt smudged on her cheeks, and sloppy hair. The turns the Forge over a few times, curiously, and then the girl grabs the device tightly and starts running.]

[She gets a few steps before she stops abruptly, apparently grabbed from behind, and the Forge clatters to the ground. From this vantage point you can see the girl quite literally dangling in the air, dirty feet and all, being held aloft by Teresa.]

[The girl squeals.]

"No no! Put me down! I weren't gonna keep it, Tess, I swear!"

[She swings a little, although it's hard to tell if she's being shaken or her kicks are shaking herself. Either way, Teresa is fairly calm - even amused - when she picks the Forge back up with her free hand, and then sets the girl down with the other.]

That's right, you weren't. Now go. You don't want the others to finish their meals before you get there, do you?

[She prods the girl on the shoulder to get her moving, but the child stays in place, watching her tensely as if she's ready to bolt at any moment.]

"Ain't you gonna have any?"

[Teresa's empty hand flutters by the camera dismissively.]

If I needed it myself I would have kept it. Go on. Eat. Unless of course you want the stray cats to get your portion...?

[The girl gives her a horrified look, then runs back in the other direction, out of sight. Teresa watches her go for a moment before bringing the Forge up to her face, her lips pursing a little when she realizes it had been turned on. Welp.]

Troublesome thing. Well, as long as you're working anyway.... Jaime? A word.

!teresa, jaime lannister

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