003 | video; Thanksgiving

Nov 24, 2011 11:45

Hey, I'm guessing a lot of you come from a place that has some kind of holiday like Thanksgiving, or at least something like it.

Where I'm from, we just... gathered together on this day, made a veritable feast from what little we had and spent the rest of the night eating, drinking and making merry.

I like to think it's a good time to reflect on what ( Read more... )

!castiel (future), the trickster, desmond miles, ginko, yuugi mutou, bernkastel, theon greyjoy

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[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 01:08:28 UTC
Hey, I didn't tell them anything about you. Hinting that they have special, tasty souls shouldn't be a surprise considering all the shit they've been through. Trouble magnets that they are.

That we know each other in their future shouldn't be a big fucking deal. Kill the melodrama, bro. They're not bright enough to even guess at the truth.

I told Sam to go pester Bobby. What did you tell him, anyway?


[video: private] buryindecadence November 27 2011, 01:29:57 UTC
Oh, knock it off, Gabe... you're not an idiot.

[Cas doesn't get mad, not anymore at least... but he's pretty close.]

What's your angle this time? Why would you go and start fishing for interest by mentioning his soul in the first place?


[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 01:55:34 UTC
Oh, I'm the biggest idiot of all time. How do you think I got here?

[regards Cas with amusement]

His soul? It's always about souls, Cas. They were playing soul hockey with Azazel way before Luci broke out. They need to be more careful. If I gotta play the bad guy for that to happen... [shrugs]

It wouldn't be the first time. Or the last.


[video: private] buryindecadence November 27 2011, 02:23:34 UTC
Gabriel, I'm not gonna spend a lot of time talking about this. It's not up for debate.

Cool it with telling them about their dark future, alright? They don't need to know, just like everyone in town doesn't need to know about your heavenly background, right?


[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 02:43:00 UTC
Hate to break it to you, Cas, but as much as I'd rather that not get out due to the shit storm that's sure to follow - with the Mist getting into our heads every month, it's inevitable that they find out about the wings before long anyway.

It's fun to dangle hints in front of the boys to watch them squirm around, but I'm not about to drop anything that's actually important on them.

Relax. You really suck at this threat stuff anyway, pretty boy angel.


[video: private] buryindecadence November 27 2011, 03:19:33 UTC
You didn't hold up your end and the least you could do is just own up to it. [Cas shakes his head, frowning.] You got no right expecting others to help you keep your secrets, and then not return the favor.

You know, I thought you might be relieved to find someone you could be yourself around for once -- guess you were just playing me, huh?


[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 03:37:58 UTC
I'm not playing you, Cas. I don't expect anything from you, I don't expect anything from anybody. Dad's gone and we're on our own and we're getting by the best we know how.

I've been The Trickster too long to just turn that part of me off. Call it instinct or being an idiot, but I don't want those boys finding out about their fates anymore than you do. My reasons for that are completely different from yours.

But you can't bubble-wrap them and coddle them like children and hope for the best. They won't stand for it and you're not their daddy or great protector, Cas.


[video: private] buryindecadence November 27 2011, 03:48:00 UTC
[Conveniently forgetting about their little deal? Well, Castiel tried... and Gabriel's made his choice.]

I told you, it wasn't up for debate. [Cas tosses up his hands.]

I really wish you didn't make an enemy of me, Gabe. It could've been a fresh start, and you blew it... for what, a few laughs?


[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 04:00:44 UTC
Does it look like I'm laughing? You're really blowing my little slip way out of proportion. Should I have pretended I don't know you then?

They don't know anything. They're not going to know anything. I haven't told them anything important and there's enough lies mixed in with the truth that they're not going to put anything together.

Besides word games, I haven't touched a hair on their precious heads. Tell them whatever you want.


[video: private] buryindecadence November 27 2011, 04:16:51 UTC
Telling Sam his soul was on the line? Telling him that I won't let you hurt Dean because--

[Cas doesn't really think he needs to go on, and doesn't really want to. This whole thing is ridiculous and could've been avoided so easily.

In the end, it doesn't really matter what else he threw in there... he gave enough away to get the boys to start digging at something, and if there was one thing they were good at, it was being tenacious.]

Seriously, what other 'little slips' have you done in the short time I've even been here? This wasn't just sloppy, it was reckless and pretty damn myopic.


[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 04:42:16 UTC
Okay, first thing. There's no 'letting' involved here. I'm not doing anything to them because I don't have any reason to. Not here. Just cause I like you better without a holy stick up your ass doesn't mean I answer to you.

This isn't home, as Dean found out when he pissed everyone off the moment he got here. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten himself killed yet.

Sam needs to grow up. His soul is on the line and at any moment Luci could pop into this place and grab it. He won't wait for Sam to remember anything to do it. He needs to be ready for it even if he doesn't know the details.


[video: private] buryindecadence November 27 2011, 04:58:52 UTC
Gabe, I'm just telling you what I heard, alright? Which is enough to know that you've been telling a lot more than just a few slips.

[Unphased by the attempts to change the facts, not because Gabriel isn't convincing... but because it's just too black and white.

Fact was, there was a deal and Gabe broke it -- no amount of Gabriel's charm, or misdirection and excuse making is going to change that... and that trust isn't easy to get back. Shame too, because Cas was looking forward to a fresh start... but not at the cost of other people's happiness.]

I get it. You made a deal and broke it the second it stopped being entertaining, fine.


[video: private] trickster_treat November 27 2011, 05:24:27 UTC
You're being way too literal about this whole deal thing. We're not demons, Cas. What do you think I've been telling them that they don't already know?

That they've got to be careful around demons and their souls are tasty? That I respect you enough to reassure Sam I won't be killing Dean off again because I know you?

[Gabriel's genuinely confused where he's gone wrong, nothing he'd said had seemed like that big a deal from his perspective. That might be part of the problem, Cas is mortal and Gabriel is Trickster and has never had to be anything else. He didn't make deals as he knew them and his arrangement with Cas had seemed like more of an understanding to keep the Winchesters in the dark about certain things.]

What's your problem?


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