001 | video

Nov 23, 2011 02:57

[For a moment, the screen only shows a graying beard.

There is mumbled, slightly slurred cursing, and the view changes to a half-empty glass of some kind of alcohol, surrounded by a few other fully empty glasses.

Then, the feed shows a face: It's a man's face, ruddy and weathered, eyebrows knit in confusion and concentration. After a few moments, he seems to shrug.]

Strange little devices they've got in the afterlife. A damn sight more useful than ravens, though. At least this thing won't shit on you. I hope.

[He cracks a smile at the screen.] Now, I'm hoping that one of you nice dead people will come and answer a few questions for me-- and quickly, mind, I'm not one for waiting! I was a king once, you know.

joffrey baratheon, !robert baratheon, priscilla, lust, jaime lannister, stannis baratheon, helen, eddard "ned" stark, robb stark

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