005. [video]

Nov 09, 2011 02:09

[At first, there is only darkness, and scuffling sounds. And then a door swings open with a little creeeeeak. And darkness.]

[Daenerys lifts her little gas lamp to illuminate something that may seem familiar to... some of you. The very longest term of the residents. For those newer to Anatole, the sight may be confusing, but if you are familiar with the blueprints or general layout of Outlander apartments, you may recognize it for what it is: the renovated inside of a standard apartment. But instead of a living room or bedroom, there are chairs and tables, an open kitchen... in fact, one could say it looks exactly like a cafeteria.]

[A long abandoned one.]

[Dany raises the lamp high and lets its light flicker over the dusty surfaces, the abandoned pots and plates... even a crudely created television set and an attached VCR. With a stack of tapes next to it.]


I wouldn't say it was precisely what I had expected, but...

[She walks up to the television, and the picture pauses. Her hand appears onscreen, brushing the dust off, poking at the buttons.]

[After a moment, it flickers and begins playing... a cartoon of some sort. Seemingly a fairy tale. Apparently this is shocking to Daenerys, as she jumps a bit, jarring the screen and... for a few seconds, falls silent as a cartoon prince dances across the television's screen with a cartoon princess in his arms.]

[...she turns it off.]

...I expect it can be made to work well enough.

[And now she turns the camera to face herself, and she is silver and gold in the shadows and firelight. The massive head of an oversized lizard - which is to say, a dragon, peeks over her shoulder.]

To all of those whom I now count as comrades and fellow citizens... I would like to announce the reopening of this cafeteria. I realize many of you were not here when it functioned before... nor was I. However, it's my understanding that it provided food to the needy in exchange for ivories, or for trade goods.

I'd like to continue this mission. It will operate on a nonprofit basis, and will be open to the poor Anatolian natives as well. ...the winter months may be difficult. I shouldn't like to see anyone starving. Whatever their troubles with us... I will not let them suffer, especially with the loss of so much of Greenhouse Row.

I do need help. And working here will pay a salary, though I don't expect it will make anyone rich.

So I ask, if you are interested in helping, please let me know.

[Daenerys reaches up and pats the dragon's head lightly.]

I wonder what I should call this place.

Perhaps the Dragon's Hearth?

[ooc: one upon a time in a land... uh right in anatole, early members of the game started a cafeteria to feed the impoverished scorched. the founders were souji seta and oruha - you can find references to it in the archives. some months later, matt handbuilt a television and vcr and people started collecting video tapes from the found goods store. over time, people dropped, the cafeteria got abandoned, and went into obscurity. now it's back and serving as a soup kitchen as well. yay!

also... not gonna lie... replies might be slow. BRAINDEAD. but i wanted to get this out there.]

!daenerys targaryen, gwen, scar, jon snow, dawn summers, merlin, arthur pendragon, dean winchester

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