19 [voice]

Nov 08, 2011 19:48

[He's trying his best to not sound worried or panicked or drugged out of his mind. It's a difficult task at the moment... but somehow he manages. Instead of any or all of that, he just sounds a little forlorn.]

If anybody happens to find a dog... Her name is Allison and she's just a puppy. She's brown and white with floppy ears... and she likes to play with everything she can get hold of, and push you out of bed, and bark at shoes, and push her toys under the couch...

[It's here that his voice falters, and he has to pause for a moment before continuing. He hasn't fallen apart yet, and if he has it his way, he won't.]

If anyone happens to find her...

[Forget it. He can't finish it without getting wibbly, so that's the end. He never did deal with loss very well.]

edward elric, !roy mustang, lust, bran stark, jon snow, katze

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