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charmprince September 25 2011, 02:35:21 UTC
You know, every time someone tells me I can trust them, they inevitably prove to be playing the opposite game.

...Do you have experience with non-humans? Simply out of curiosity.


[voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 02:38:48 UTC
I know that's often true. While I don't want to get into it, I've encountered my share of untrustworthy people who claim to be the opposite. But I did graduate in the top of my class at MedAcad.

[Simon pauses, starts to speak, then pauses again.]

Non-humans. I can't say I've had any experience with them.


[voice] charmprince September 25 2011, 02:48:44 UTC
Hm. So you're skilled, at least. That's good. Doctors are... good to have, here. You'll probably see your fair share of work when things get... interesting.

[And then her tone is tinged with amusement.]

And awfully accepting, on top of it. Most people call bullshit on that kind of talk. No experience probably means that you don't see many where you're from, huh? I mean, aside from animals.


[voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 02:54:25 UTC
Do things get interesting here often?

[Simon finds amusement creeping into his voice too. It's infectious.]

My crew were an interesting group of people. I've never met a captain so unwilling to learn from his past. And of course there's Jayne. [He chuckles, though a little darkly.]

The only non-humans I've seen recently were cows and horses. We don't have any non-humans that aren't of the livestock or wildlife variety.


[voice] charmprince September 25 2011, 02:59:07 UTC
Oh, yes. Sometimes too often. I suggest making a few friends, just in case. Shouldn't be hard. There're a lot of us.

Ah, you'll see a few of those around here, too-- lots of animals, especially in the outer ruins. But it's the people who bear watching. Much as I hate that it's true, occasionally there're people who choose to use their... talents... for injuring others. Not many, lately. But some. You might get to see a few interesting things.


Re: [voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 03:03:35 UTC
[Simon's voice gets a little funny with some emotion- worry? Embarrassment? It's hard to tell, but whatever it is, he's unhappy.]


Look, this may be an odd sort of question. But my sister has an unusual...I don't want to say talent. Ability, perhaps. She was always perceptive, but her brain was altered, and now she can know things without being told.

I've been having some strange visions of my sister and the crew of Serenity since I got here. And more of a mist that I'd never heard of before. The former could easily be a dream, but as for the latter...I'm not sure. Am I going crazy?


[voice] charmprince September 25 2011, 03:12:04 UTC
[That's an interesting tone he's taking on there. She's used to anger, or denial-- but this complicated one? Something new.]

Mm... No, probably not. This place... seems to nurture skills in some people, and to plant them in others. Almost anyone who comes through the Door seems to be touched like this in some fashion, as well as... well, we're told we're immortal here. Never-aging, and anyone who dies comes back. It's kind of complicated, and I'm really not the authority on it, but... No, you're probably not going crazy. [Her tone turns dry, back to amusement and an attempt to lighten him up a little. Stop sounding so serious! Asellus is allergic to serious.] At least, the visions aren't a symptom of it, anyway.


[voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 03:17:01 UTC
I'm sorry, did you say immortal?

[Simon's tone switches from anxiety to disbelief.]

I...okay. You know, I'm just going to accept this rather than question it, because stranger things have happened since I arrived here. But this is really starting to become too much. At least I know that I'm not just imagining things.

Like the fact that you want me to stop being so serious. I suppose a self-depreciating comment about how I wouldn't have been able to pick up on that without this new skill might accomplish that?

[Simon tries to laugh. It sounds forced.]


[voice] charmprince September 25 2011, 03:21:57 UTC
[A silence that stretches on a bit too long, before a sigh. He's new to this. He can't be expected to control it just yet.]

You'll definitely want to get a grip on how you use that skill. I don't mind all that much as long as you don't go delving too deep, but there're people here who might get pretty upset if you go picking their brains like that.

Anyway. Accept it for now, question it bit by bit. That's how I coped, anyway. It's a little overwhelming, but it becomes easier to swallow with time. You're probably still a bit overwhelmed with the sudden changes of this place, too-- that doesn't help much. Give it time. It's not... all that bad. [Well, most of the time.]


[voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 03:26:22 UTC
That's the thing- I didn't even try. It just...happens. Luckily it's been giving me random information thus far. I mean, once in a while it's been helpful. But I am pretty sure that I'm just as likely to have a vision of what kind of socks you were thinking of putting on this morning. Erm, if people in Anatole think about those sort of things.

I guess that's lucky, at least. I mean, it doesn't seem like most of what I've seen was important.

[Simon sighs.]

Time here is exactly the opposite of what I want. But it sounds as though I don't have a choice.


[voice] charmprince September 25 2011, 03:30:13 UTC
[She snorts a bit of a laugh.] More like garters and stockings and underskirts and bustles, really. All so complicated about their clothing, the people here are. But you can learn some modicum of control, even over that, probably. Or at least shield yourself from unwanted things.

...Actually, you should probably talk to Lupin. He's... helped me a lot with my own things. And he's a good man to talk to about almost anything. [Very calming to be around. She likes Lupin.] If anyone can help you with that sort of thing, it's probably him.

As for time... well, yeah. We don't have many choices. But you can make the best of the ones you have, can't you? No use moping about.


[voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 03:36:29 UTC
Lupin does seem like a good man.

And I am still getting used to being here. Maybe I'll have a more positive outlook once I've been here for a time. But as a new arrival, I'm not exactly thrilled about my situation.


[voice] charmprince September 25 2011, 03:41:35 UTC
He is. Maybe the best one here. Certainly better than some of us deserve.

No one can blame you for being less than excited about this place. None of us were. But if there's anything I can do to help you get settled, just ask. It's hard enough being Scorched-- non-native, that is. No use digging up trouble where you don't need it.


[voice] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 13:40:21 UTC

[Simon sounds confused.]

I'm sorry, I guess I thought that everyone here came through the Door. But you said there are natives, so I guess that isn't the case. What do you mean by being Scorched, though? I mean, I know we're non-natives, but it sounds...very unpleasant.


[voice] charmprince September 26 2011, 22:51:10 UTC
Ah-- that's what they call us. The natives, I mean. I'm not really clear on why they call us that, though.


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