
Sep 23, 2011 10:38

[Simon decides to type a message on the strange device, not wanting to give away his face or voice until he finds out whether or not there are any authorities on this planet that might want to turn him in, both as a fugitive from the Alliance and now as a member of the crew that helped expose the secret of Miranda to the whole 'verse ( Read more... )

!simon tam, jack vessalius, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, verity kindle

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[voice] moarnomsplz September 25 2011, 04:46:05 UTC
I have not heard of that class of ship, but, unlike, lie-kuh, most people here, I come from a world where interstellar travel is common. Before I was on Earth, I was stay, stationed on a Dome ship, which I suspect mean-zuh as little to you as fy, fie-err-fly does to me.

The miss-tuh affects different people differently, lee. The only constant appears to be that it is unsettling-ing.


[video] theprettyfits September 25 2011, 13:52:52 UTC
[Simon switches to video.]

Hello, this is Simon. I'm glad I've met someone else here who's familiar with ships. I've never heard of a Dome ship, so I am guessing we come from different worlds, but at least we have something in common.

This mist is very unsettling to me. I'm not used to having visions like this.


[video] moarnomsplz September 27 2011, 04:16:48 UTC
Sigh, Si-mon, it is nice to meet you. I am Aximili, but people call me Ax.

The mist chay, changed the way my abilities work, but it did not fundamentally, menn-tah-lee, alter them, though I have observed this to be the case with others.


[video] theprettyfits September 27 2011, 15:16:35 UTC
[Simon notes Ax's peculiar way of speaking and his unusual name.]

You said you had ships where you're from. What kind of place is that, exactly?

What abilities did you have before?


[video] moarnomsplz September 28 2011, 05:11:30 UTC
My homeworld is far from Earth, but Earth is my home for now, ow.

As for abil-ih-tees, I can morph. Some human-zuh call it shape-shifting-ing. This is still possible in An-ah-toll-ay, but the rules, rool-zuh, are not the ones I am used to.

Is a fire-fly ship a combat vessel? Man-ee of those who are brought here know war too well.


[Video] theprettyfits September 29 2011, 14:03:08 UTC
Shapeshifting. Interesting.

[Simon thinks about Ax not being human. He'll have to keep that in mind if he ever needs to give him medical attention.]

It isn't a combat vessel, though we've used it defensively before. It's more of a transport ship. The captain has seen the war, though. And we've all seen plenty of trouble.


[Video] moarnomsplz October 1 2011, 06:12:04 UTC
Plenn-tee, plenty of trouble. Yes, that sound-zuh familiar.

Your world must be ahead of mine in time, or it has developed, vell-op-duh, differently. Humans have not yet reached the point where space travel is any more than ex, ex-plore-ah-tore-ee.


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