
Sep 23, 2011 10:38

[Simon decides to type a message on the strange device, not wanting to give away his face or voice until he finds out whether or not there are any authorities on this planet that might want to turn him in, both as a fugitive from the Alliance and now as a member of the crew that helped expose the secret of Miranda to the whole 'verse.]

Hello. I appear to have been brought here after I lost consciousness. I'm not sure what this room is, but it doesn't appear to be a hospital, so I'm very confused.

I happen to have been travelling with a group of people aboard a ship. If you happen to have any information about the crew of a spaceship, Firefly class, and where I might find them, please let me know.

If not, any information about this place that I'm in would be equally helpful.

[Simon pauses in his typing to rub at his suddenly throbbing forehead.

He closes his eyes and sees shapes. Mist. Something that he instinctively fears.

He opens his eyes and the vision fades. Acting on a whim, he adds another line of text.]

Also, if anyone has any information about a presence here- a sort of mist- please tell me about that too. Or if anyone else has been having unusual headaches. Thanks.

!simon tam, jack vessalius, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, verity kindle

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