119. [Video]

Sep 22, 2011 23:36

[Priscilla is on the roof again! And the Forge is set up such that you see her, lying on the rooftop... and you see a canvas-topped glass jar beside her, all lit up with the glow of a number of fireflies.]

For those who do not know me, my name is Priscilla, and I greet you! Even if I didn't greet you before. I know how difficult this place can be to adjust to... I arrived here 23 months ago, myself, so I've become pretty comfortable. Even so, I think you'll find that, for the most part, the people here are pleasant and friendly. And helpful.

And if you need anything, please be comfortable letting me know. I'm always willing to try and help.

[...she turns over a little, facing the camera still as she reaches over to trace the top of the jar.]

23 months is a long time. But there are a few things I'm starting to learn to understand and accept. Like how I remember... this time last year, there were fireflies, too.

Isn't it funny that they come out in the autumn here, instead of in the summer? And these... [She looks at the little glass jar] They've lived a while, too. Does that make them special fireflies? Or... beetles, I guess. They look more like beetles.

...I guess that means winter will probably be around the same, too. The weeks of snow and darkness, and the festival around the coming of the new year.


Iolanthe, are you enjoying the lights?

[Private to Merlin]

...do you know how to extend a life?

[Private to Senji]

It's been... one year now.

senji "crow" kiyomasa, yachiru kusajishi, merlin, !priscilla, lust, arthur pendragon

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