Sep 18, 2011 17:24

The wind is strong as you begin up the hill. Though you're dressed well from head to toe, the gusts sting your face as you march upward. Near the top of the hill, a particularly strong blast of wind causes you to squint your eyes, and when it dies down, you finally see what awaits at the top of the hill.

And you're shocked. The object of your short quest is dilapidated, abandoned, lost in time.

"Seeing the way this place has aged, it has been uninhabited for a considerable amount of time," Sebastian states, his expression much more composed than your own. "In any case, it seems Baron Kelvin was lying."

He moves to his knees to examine an unfortunate-looking stuffed animal that lay forgotten in the grass.

"Judging by the way the Doctor was talking, the children from here were probably..."

He doesn't have to say it. And, you don't want to hear it. But, the memories still float to the front of your mind--

"I won't forgive you!
... Give...
And we still have so many of our brothers in the workhouse...
Please don't kill him! Even if he's like that, he still saved us..."

Your stomach twists painfully, a sickly feeling threatening to overtake you. Then, however... it changes. A small laugh or two escapes into the air.

"Young Master?" your butler questions, noticing the change. But, you hardly hear him over your growing laughter. It becomes absurd, and you move a hand to your face as the laughing grows louder, more intense.

"There was nothing here!" you choke out, still captured in the hilarious irony of it all. "The thing they were protecting didn't even exist! They didn't know about this... they even became so desperate... that they died!"

And then the words are drowned out once again.

"Their desperate hope was ridiculously crushed like a worm," you say, "Superficial, cruel, revolting... isn't it even more demonic than a demon? Right!"

The laughter dies down, slowly. Your tone becomes more somber, and a hand clutches at the front of your coat.

"And I'm the same. I'm also... filled with the same ugly contents as them. This is what a human is."

You pause, raising your head to look at the still-surprised butler nearby.

"I'm a human being, Sebastian!"

miata, !ciel phantomhive, sebastian michaelis

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