{There's dark, this vision heavy with black and an unnatural fog, the creation of subconscious alone. A man sits slumped against a stone wall, scant light from a lantern hanging nearby the sole allowance for sight.
You can see his profile, how inhuman it is, nose elongated like...
... well, like a beak.
Another figure hovers over the birdman, though all you get of him is the hem of a long, burgundy robe. Sandaled feet.}
"You know you cannot carry on the way you have. Death follows you! It will until you cease this... unholy behavior! This shame! Sinner. Sinner!"
{And the other-- }
"I know. I do... I beg of you-- leave me be."
{The second voice sounds wrecked, exhausted. As if it's been pleading with the other for hours upon hours on end.
That's almost accurate.}
"Do you repent, then, my son? Do you see now?"
{Desperation there. A silent prayer for affirmation.}
{Wish granted. From the tired one, submission.}
"You cannot hide from God. And with the Lord will come those who will carry out his wishes, as I have with you. You can be free! You can live. You wish to live, do you not? Do you not? For the next time we meet, you may not survive. You must be free of sin."
{A gurgled response, frustration muffled slightly by that thing covering his face.}
"I understand that now. You've made your point more times than I care to accommodate. Can you please, now... just go. Leave me alone. I understand."
{The hem sweeps to the left as our apparent Agent of God strides off, satisfied at last. The other simply sits now, alone.}
.... i.e. what you DON'T get to know, ha!
Yeah, our doctor is gonna be some relieved to see this thing spread over the network. And do you really think he's gonna try to explain the context? Screw THAT!
Firenze's a sketchy place at times, riddled with the mentally ill staggering freely through its streets and alleyways. Many babble incessantly about animals that speak fairy tales to them, others swear the leaves on the trees have eyes. Many rave the word of God to all those gosh-darn, damnable sinners.
The world is ending! Repent! Repent!
It can get pretty irritating when you're just minding your own flipping business and one locks on, adamant in spreading the Good Word. You try to walk off, avoid it, not quite feeling the urge today to spill a little blood. By jeeze, but he's persistent. You've never really been an impolite person though, and to a degree (because yeah, you're still a doctor by trade), you do have the patience to hear out the mindless ramblings of a man two buns short of a batch.
So you sit, listen. Nod along. Oh, but he's repeating himself.
Five minutes
Good god, shut up. So frustrating! Truly, at this point, you'd rather scoop out your own brain with a hoe than continue patronizing the guy.
You must have sounded pretty convincing around the end, though, because he's leaving.
How did you keep from slitting his throat, exactly? Yeesh.
(actually, you didn't. Ten paces off and the knives started flying, yeah. Old habits are hard to break.)
Now, this looks pretty good for our doctor. Luck's found him for a moment and given him some back-up for his "I saw the error of my ways!" malarkey. It's up to your character, of course, whether any of it is put together and believed, though ;)