[ 48 - video ]

Aug 16, 2011 02:53

[Well, here's Kaien--he's about as roughed up as anyone else who had to escape those cages, and tired as well, despite spending the last day in the clinic. Those who can sense it can note that he's weak, too. His power is still dulled from whatever they put in him, and his hands shake just slightly as he grips the Forge.]Hey, everybody. I'm sorry I ( Read more... )

juushirou ukitake, jin uzuki, minatsuki "hummingbird" takami, !kaien shiba, faith lehane, nill

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takesthings August 17 2011, 06:52:27 UTC
Faith is definitely worth having. Thanks for the intel, big guy.


I legit lol'd. voice/video? heartbetween August 17 2011, 08:53:44 UTC
[Blink. Blink.]

Um. You're welcome.


You're...new, right?

[That is some really shitty timing, Door.]


Video! takesthings August 17 2011, 09:04:20 UTC
Brand spankin'!


[ video ] heartbetween August 17 2011, 09:13:02 UTC
Oh, well then, ah--welcome to Anatole. I'm Kaien.

...The city isn't usually infested with flesh-eating elves like this.

[Some clicky noises as he searches through his new Forge. Have a text link!] That should explain...most things about this place. It's a little out of date since the guy who wrote it disappeared.


[ video ] takesthings August 17 2011, 10:00:56 UTC
[ Disappointed, ] It isn't?

[ She clicks through to the guide, skims it and grins. ] That's a little too much reading for me, I'm kinda the learn by doing type. But this guy, he tickles me.

[ And her attention's back on you. ] Yeah, anyway, whatever. Yo. I'm Faith.


[ video ] heartbetween August 21 2011, 02:46:37 UTC
[...Well then!]

--Oh! Well, um. [...] Heh.

[OKAY STARTING OVER. With less stumbling.]

It's nice to meet you, Faith. When the elves are gone, I'd be happy to show you around or help you out if you need anything.

[...Nope, that's not flirting. Believe it or not, he's just always like this.]


[ video ] takesthings August 21 2011, 08:10:52 UTC
Buddy, you can help me out any day of the week.


[ video ] heartbetween August 27 2011, 09:00:32 UTC
[skljdlkjfl wait what--]

...Excuse me?


[ video ] takesthings August 28 2011, 12:07:23 UTC
You heard me.


[ video ] heartbetween August 29 2011, 04:00:01 UTC
I-I'm not sure I. Follow.


[ video ] takesthings August 29 2011, 09:42:22 UTC
Are all the guys here completely deaf to innuendo, or have I just lost my wicked skills?


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