[TEXT] Oo2 ;;

Dec 28, 2009 01:19

[Private to SELF | Unhackable + Turk-Coded]

It's been seven days since I woke up in this place. If I count the two days I'm alleged to have spent sleeping in the apartment, it's been nine. Either way, it's been too many. The world waits for nothing and no one. Numbers are important. Shiva, I just hope they're sa

I need to stay objective.

This city is called “Anatole”. It's the size of Midgar at the very least, but I'd never heard of it before I woke up here. I can't say I'm entirely surprised either. The natives' attitude towards those forcibly brought to their fair city is a far cry from hospitable. The air is sometimes stuffy, too, like in Midgar's slums, but not because of any plate. The sun is missing. It has been for the past six days and no one knows why or when it will be back. It makes me wonder how people can live under the plate... until I remember it's brighter there than it is here. Much brighter. There's no shortage of electricity there.

I'm not the only person who has been misplaced. The natives call us a variety of names-”Outlanders”, “Offworlders”, “Scorched”. At some point, each of us is given a communication device, this device, called a “Forge”, which has come in handy. Sephiroth contacted me shortly after I submitted an audio post to the network using it. Zack, too, a new, unfamiliar Turk by the name of “Elena”, and Reno, late as always. This time it was only by a day, though. Rude and Cloud are here, too, but I haven't heard anything from them. I'm kind of worried. December isn't a good month for Rude and Cloud... Sephiroth did say he was acting strangely. Maybe it has something to do with the Mist...?

As far as I can tell, we all want the same thing: to get out of this city so we can return to the world as we know it. That seems to be the objective for all the foreigners I've encountered. The Turks, myself included, are working under Reno's direction to achieve that objective, of course. I am also working to achieve the very same with General Sephiroth, SOLDIER 1st Class as per our agreement following my proposal, which stands. Reno says I should be wary of the general. He wants me to keep an eye on him, too. I don't know why, but it doesn't matter. I gave Sephiroth my word and I intend to keep it.

Speaking of Sephiroth, he and I have covered a good chunk of the city proper. Thank Ramuh for Haste materia! It's been slow work since the snowstorm set in. I'm hoping it will end soon. There's still Dismas and the ruins outside the city to be explored. I want to visit the library to see what I can find out, if anything, about this city. What information I've checked from this guide has proven valid, but it's not enough.

I'm going to have to get a job if we don't find a way out of here soon, too. I'm not sure how long we can live on the money I have. It's not much. I'm sure we could hunt an. Come to think of it, we probably should. Meat is more filling than bread or fruit. Surely it would cut costs. I'll talk to Sephiroth about it in the morning. It's late and I don't want to disturb him.

There is one thing he said that bothers me, though, more so than the rest. Genesis, SOLDIER 1st Class is present in the city. Sephiroth encountered him on the network via the Forge and that... should not be possible. Genesis Rhapsodos was reported missing, then dead. I remember the announcements, so why...?. To some, I guess it'd seem like one more strange thing, but me? I've decided to look into this, if only for myself. Too much has come to light recently and if I answers are available, I'm going to get them.

Between searching for information on the twins, solving the mystery of Genesis, and finding a way ho out of this city, I've got my work cut out for me. I only wish these headaches would let up so I could think clearly and concisely with ease. I've never had this problem before. Maybe it's the darkness? I wonder if other arrivals have suffered things like this? I suppose it can't hurt to ask, but I should be quick. It's late and I should at least try to get some sleep.

Tomorrow's bound to be another busy day.

[ /SELF ]

[Private to ELENA | Unhackable + Turk-Coded]

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you and that I treated you with such suspicion. I spoke to Reno and he confirmed your identity. Welcome to the team, Miss Elena!

When you have the time, I'd like to talk to you about our current activities in the city. I understand our objective is to escape and that we are currently investigating the Twins. I was hoping you could enlighten me regarding anything you know about the investigation, our activities, the city and anything else you feel is relevant that I should know. If you'd like, perhaps over coffee? If they have that in this city, but it's your call, Miss Elena.

Let me know what and when is ideal for you and I will make myself available. Thank you.

[ /ELENA ]

[Private to ZACK | Unhackable]

Hey, Zack. Can I talk to you for a minute? When you've got a minute, I mean. Let me know, okay?

[ /ZACK ]

The snow beneath the street lamps seems to glow faintly if you look at it long enough. I'm not what you'd call a big fan of the cold, but I'd forgotten how beautiful it can really be. Peaceful even. I've always liked that crunching sound it makes when you walk on it, too.

Is it uncommon for recent arrivals to suffer frequent headaches or migraines in their first week? If so, does anyone know of any affordable, decent medications I could purchase for them? Any help would be appreciated.

[ OOC: This is overdue, so I wanted to get it out and up before working on the missing, backdated logs. This entry is backdated to around one o'clock on the morning of December 28th. Strikes = thoughts and, or NOT visible. Wee. ]

zack fair, kaien shiba, akira takizawa, elena, !turk knife "valeria"

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