11th Profile [Voice -----> Video]

Apr 11, 2011 22:46

[The forge clicks on to voice mode, and the voice is breathy and hurried, but it's unmistakably Spencer's]

--down! I repeat, officers down! I need--

[His voice breaks off as there's gunfire in the background. There's silence for a moment, before:]

Put the gun down! I repeat, put the gun down or I will be forced to shoot!

[Whatever answer there is, it's drowned out by Reid's exclamation of surprise and several rounds fired, these sounding much closer to the Forge so it's probably a safe bet to assume that those were from Reid's gun.]

[Then there's the sound of feet hitting the pavement, as if someone is running. After a moment of harsh breathing, the video turns on rather abruptly, showing Reid's blooded arm before it focuses on his face.]

This is Dr. Spencer Reid of the Police Division of the Anatole Patrol. [Breathe, Spencer, breathe.]

I need medics and backup here immediately. Near the market. I have two officers down, and I can't--

[A pause, his face tightening slightly as he tries to organize his thoughts. He does his best work under extreme terror after all.]

They were attacked by something, it looked like shadows, and I wasn't able to get a good visual on the UnSub, except that he's male and has long, white or gray hair and is heading towards the ruins.

[The Forge tilts slightly to show blue, a blue that might be familiar to any of those who have hung around the members of the Amestrian military, before it refocuses on Spencer's face.]

Whatever they were, the wounds are extensive, plus GSW to the head. They're alive for the moment, but I'm not sure--

[There's a moment of silence as he winces. Although you can't see it, he's pressing a hand against the bullet graze on his arm.]

Just get down here as soon as you can.

((Yes, this means that Roy and Hughes are on their way out and will be dead by time helps arrives. /hides forever from Bree. ))

lilly rush, !spencer reid, remus lupin, zack fair, shirley, luciela, riza hawkeye, bellatrix lestrange

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