94. [Video]

Apr 11, 2011 22:10

[It's a bit of an unusual sight, but at the moment, Priscilla is sitting in bed, wearing a slip-dress style pajama, and leaning on her one good arm. The other... well, there's definitely something wrong with it - it's there... mostly. But it's bone-thin - even thinner than normal, and covered in bandages from shoulder to... well her hand isn't visible at the moment, but it's probably bandaged, too. ...assuming she has one.]

[She waves with that one good hand.]

Um, hello. I wanted to... apologize to anyone who was, err, unnerved by all of the... [ruckus?] ...well! Energy and... things, yesterday. Not that it was my fault, but I know it can be a little jarring, and-- well, anyway.

It was a strange day, yesterday. I wonder if it's normal to feel better even after you've suffered an injury. Facing one's fears can be very cleansing. Or maybe it's only me... but I doubt it. ...still. You would think it wouldn't help unless you actually won that confrontation. I've had a lot of fears, in the past... and I won't say I don't have any now. But every time I face them, I feel a little stronger, even if I lose. Or, well, don't win, which I guess is kind of not exactly the same thing. ...I guess my point is! You'd think something like that would only make you more afraid, but it mostly just makes me feel... better for having the courage to try it.

Does that make... sense?

[She rubs her face again - a familiar gesture to those who know her well, and the ears of one of her pet foxes appear at the bottom of the screen, blocking out part of her chest.]

Oh, um, I also apologize if I'm slow with things. It's taking me a little time to catch up, so if something of yours has exploded or been... stomped on by a monster and I haven't expressed my sympathies, um, I'm sorry! I feel terrible about it! Not that you would necessarily notice really, but that isn't really the point and... well! I feel terrible for the... missing. And the stomping. Or exploding? Or...


[She huffs a little, and reaches out with her hand... and fumbles the Forge a little.]

...this also makes it hard to work the little filtery buttons.

[Private to the Patrol]

Um, if anyone needs to see me in person for the next few days, please... well, come here. I mean, to the Headquarters. I can't actually walk right now, and... I'm trying to think of it as an opportunity for resting, since people keep telling me to do that. Still, I can't write, and I can't walk, so there may be delays on various... things. I'm sorry for that. If something needs to be signed, please send it to Arthur or Riza in the meantime.

...it's also causing some delay on scheduling. And... things like that. Have I missed anything?

[Claymore Filter!]

You know what? Altogether, I think we did pretty well. ...is, um. Is Clare all right?

[And then Private to Kunsel]

...I'm sorry about the furniture.

[...assuming he even remembers that.]

[And Private to Isley]

[This one makes her lift her not-so-wonderful hand, and flex her fingers. ...which, through the bandages, look more like bones than a real hand, at this point.]

I guess I'm recovering. ...um. Thank you. Again. For... everything.

...did you like the room?

[Private to Yachiru]

Yachiru... have you found your cat? I'll help you look when I... can walk again, if you haven't found him by then. Okay?

[Private to Senji, my god, last one.]

Senji! I think we should... talk. I mean, you should come and see me. Because I'm really bored and I can't do anything. I mean, I don't know how to do things with my left hand, and I have these books, and they've very good books, but I'm going to be here for days, and I think I might explode. ...it's really really obnoxious.

senji "crow" kiyomasa, !priscilla, freya, zack fair, isley, yachiru kusajishi, kunsel, arthur pendragon, riza hawkeye, teresa

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