(no subject)

Mar 21, 2011 14:02

Don’t you fucking know that when a kid goes missing under mysterious circumstances, sometimes it’s better to leave them missing? I mean, look at that creepy shitty movie, The Ring. Or The Omen. Or Macaulay Culkin. It’s like when you see a clown and you always cockpunch them? If a kid’s missing in a shitty town where shitty things happen, it’s best to not bother the creepy possessed eight-year-old.


Anyway, speaking of cockpunching clowns, anyone seen Nathan? I’ve been looking around everywhere for him because I want to restart Three-Arm Sally (more of a sideproject than the real thing; it’s not the same without Head, you know), and I wanted to know if he wanted to do Dave’s role since the fucker obviously got his fat ass stuck in the portal on the way here. It’s a really vital, important part that a trained monkey can do, but I thought Nathan would be cool for the gig.

Which leads me to this: Tryouts for Three-Arm Sally are going to be tomorrow night at seven. Bring your own instrument. People with booze, smokes, or boobs/pictures of boobs get in automatically. Also, Dawn’s in because I said so.

Be there if you like fucking metal. Or don’t be there if you’re a pussy. Up to you.

And before you guys all start falling all over each other, we are taking reservations on where you'd like us to play, so get it in now. If you want a lot of hot chicks taking off their bras and throwing them around, then have us play at your shithole. Hurry up and book early.

stephanie brown, ichigo kurosaki, lust, amy sullivan, !john

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