[Video] /Backdated to yesterday

Feb 14, 2011 14:44

[The Forge clicks on, angled perfectly to the center of the room. A bedroom, actually. Note the bed? Yeah, I thought you did. Can’t miss it, really, not with the candles burning near it. Oh, and are blankets straightened? Maybe even -gasp-washed ( Read more... )

sakura haruno, nathan young, lust, !john

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[video] sonvisage February 14 2011, 20:20:31 UTC
[She's surrounded by candles, too - but she's not in a bedroom. A giant selection of chocolates sprawls behind her on a table. She approaches the forge with curiosity, humming softly along with the music playing on the phonograph.]

That's an interesting ...seizure you're having.

[Wait. Pink hair and less--- Pardon her while she laughs, John. She's only laughing at you a little.]

The candles are a nice touch. Perhaps if you stopped speaking and just took off your clothes, she might be more impressed?

[What? At least he looks like he might. Fun for everyone, then.]


[video] chairyontop February 15 2011, 07:02:25 UTC
[This place is awesome. It's like someone took all the video girls from the eighties and nineties, smoothed down their hair and thrust them here. Though, her music was...well, boring. She needed "Cherry Pie" or something. Who didn't get hard to that?]

[He stopped his seizure, instead rolling onto his side with one hand propping up his head. A small smirk caught his lips and he offered bedroom eyes to the camera. You know, if "bedroom eyes" involved much leering and smooching of lips.]

Well, I figured we'd play Doctor, and she'd strip me down. Want to come and assist? I bet she'll need a nurse to help with such a sick patient.


[video] sonvisage February 15 2011, 13:16:42 UTC
You think?

Can't say I've ever played that game before. [Grin.] Care to show me how it's played?

[Because perhaps Scar will be interested.]


[video] chairyontop February 15 2011, 16:40:41 UTC
If you've got the place, lady, I've got the time.


[video] sonvisage February 15 2011, 17:02:18 UTC
[A glance at the room behind her.]

It certainly seems I have the place, doesn't it?

[And he will find himself with directions! No, she's not sure what she's getting herself into, but she'll go with it.]

Just make sure the medics know where to find you~


[video] chairyontop February 15 2011, 17:17:16 UTC
Think this place has an EMS or some shit? Wonder if I can get a ride to you WITH her in tow.


[video] sonvisage February 15 2011, 17:45:50 UTC
[She hasn't a clue what EMS is, but that's okay because this is fucking amusing!]

Hire a carriage, perhaps?

[Or one of those mechanical motorbikes, maybe. And Sakura doesn't really sound as if she wants to go anywhere with him, but watching him try to convince her might be even more amusing.]

You should try. And then games.

[Maybe. If Scar doesn't show up. In fact, she's already starting to get distracted again, and re-arranging the chocolates on the table.]


[video] chairyontop February 15 2011, 18:44:14 UTC
[You have no idea.]

Nah. If I'm doing this, I need to show up in style. I need a fucking motorcycle. [One that doesn't get repossessed by the dealership, perferably.]

Games, huh? Something like "Chutes and Cocks"? "Cockpoly"? "Wangia Pursuit"?


[video] sonvisage February 16 2011, 00:05:49 UTC
[Spares a glance toward the forge.]

It shouldn't be too ...hard to manage. Finding your ride, of course. You seem resourceful.

[Moves a candle. Steps back, frowns. Moves it elsewhere. And then another glance at him. Smiiiiiirk. Did she just recognize a few of those words? The little laugh says she does.]

If you like. But don't forget Doctor.

[And because she's a bitch, and you're not Scar (especially today!):]

Only if you convince Sakura to come.


[video] chairyontop February 16 2011, 19:25:19 UTC

Shit, lady, you know how to stroke a man, don't you? [A man's ego, he means. ...Or does he? Hm hm hmmmmm.]

Can't forget it if you're in a white nurse's outfit when I get there.

[Shit. Not that he's worried; he's dealt with worse.]

You are a kinky one, aren't you? Deal.


[video] sonvisage February 18 2011, 01:42:20 UTC
[In answer to all your questions:]



[video] chairyontop February 19 2011, 17:22:48 UTC


[video] sonvisage February 21 2011, 00:02:43 UTC


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