// 021. voice

Jan 12, 2011 09:33

[No video. Her voice is a little flat, a bit shaky and there's the sound of Miss Kitty purring against the forge.]

I'm not sure if the bunnies predicted things right after all. I guess I should just give it time, I mean ...it's only been twelve days.


Hope's gone, I think. [Have a little laugh. It's not that funny.] I hope [heh] he's with his friends again. And that everything's...


Heine? Do you remember what I told you about the ...you know, on the roof? I think there was something to it after all.

[Okay, self. Happiness: Go. Uh. Kind of?]

Happy New Year, everybody.

And I've got the giftbaskets, Karako, there's like ...twenty of them hanging around the shop. They were fun.

[Private to Jason]
Haven't seen you around. Hope you're okay too. Even though I know how you are about friends or whatever. Yeah, whatever. Well. I kinda wanted to talk to you about something. Saturday night. Ten thirty.

It's my birthday, so if you bail then yeah, then you'll be being a dick. [Little laugh.]

Library roof. Don't be late.

[Private to Sakura]
I'm sorry I made you freak out when it was all a ...waste. Well, not a waste, but. I'm just sorry. A-and I. I don't know what it means, either. But I want to. I'm gonna do this.

[Private to Aizen]
I'm over it. The thing. That I had. And you're right, it was both. [A little less flat] I'd like to come tonight if you're...

...good with it, still.

[Private to Alphonse]
Okay. I know you can't eat, and that sucks. But we should do something. I was thinking a picnic, only ...I have some of those candies left. From Thanksgiving? We could. Well, I could. And we could throw the rest in your helmet? [Hey, it worked before?]

[Private to Reid]
I have an idea. But I need some help. D-do you...

...would you mind? It's short notice, and weird, and I already owe you and I have to go to this lesson and...

...I want to try something. You're all about learning and profiling and UnSubs and...

...it's kind of a profile.

Of me.

[Swallow. Breath. Steels. Jason would recognize a similar tone from Dawn during those ten days, if he could hear this.]

You game?

spencer reid, kunsel, cara, riza hawkeye, trevor belmont, !dawn summers, jason todd

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