{ 004 - Video }

Jan 12, 2011 00:51

The carnival has gone, has it?

[ Lounging upon Priscilla's bed on his side, Forge held in his hands, one leg bent at the knee and the other stretched out, Isley looks more comfortable than any guts-devouring man ought to be permitted.

He is also stripped completely to the waist. ]

Well, perhaps it is for the better.

[ His smile is small, knowing even. Almost foreshadowing disastrous things, as most of his smiles are apt to. ]

It certainly was noisy, with all of its many attractions, none of which happened to pique my particular interest. Of course, other activities of late have done a great deal more than simply capture my attention. You might even go so far as to say...

...They have inspired me.

Always well-informed, I trust you can help me with a little situation?

You see, Elena, I find that I am still very much interested in fighting in the Arena, however... I am having difficulty finding an opponent that isn't so terribly easy to eviscerate.

An interesting match took place not long ago, however. It was really quite something to behold... and I was wondering if you might be able to arrange for me a fight between myself and the victor? Of course, providing you are able, I would like my identity to be kept from this opponent. There is nothing more thrilling than matching skills and wit against a man... and watching him demonstrate all that he is made of in the heat of the moment. But I digress. Please, do let me know soon, and keep in mind, I will compensate you well for your time...

...even better for your success.

My, my... it seems that you are quite the difficult woman to overlook.

Beauty, finesse, as well as unquestionable strength. I wonder... are your manners as refined as your combative skills? I would very much like to put both to the test, that is, if you'd accept my invitation to engage in swordplay.

It's a dreadfully tedious task keeping oneself entertained these days, and [ bloodshed ] physical engagements often best pass the time... wouldn't you agree?

Miss Sakura, I would like to thank you again for having taken the time to speak to Priscilla on my behalf, vouching for my innocence.

I must insist that you let me repay you somehow.

Are you quite finished with your duties for the day?

I'd like it if you were to come and join me.

!isley, elena, yachiru kusajishi, sousuke aizen, irene, teresa, priscilla

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