
Jan 10, 2011 18:28

[The video shows Joker sitting on a crate outside his tent, a warm looking scarf wrapped around his neck. He's juggling four colorful rings. By the bored expression on his face, he's doing it rather effortlessly.]

So the carnival's finally packed up shop. Good riddance, I say. I didn't need the competition.

[He reaches his skeletal hand up to catch the rings, bony fingers curling around them.]

Did make me wonder if I need to breathe some new life into the circus. Maybe some new acts. More excitement and danger. Tell me Anatole, is there a trick that ya'd like to see? Anything that'd keep ya awake at night?

[There's a slight smile on his lips as he pulls the rings apart, which are now mysteriously linked together.

That's right. It's magic.]

Other than thoughts of Miss Cheer, that is. If ya change yer mind about that 'no guys allowed' thing, I'd be happy to wear pink.

[Joker laughs and gives the rings a sudden tug, sending up a cloud of confetti. When the video is clear again, they're gone completely. In their place is a bouquet of flowers.]

Beast? If I think of somethin' good enough, will ya come?

dawn summers, !joker, jennifer check, lust

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