[voice : // 006 filtered away from patrol/police, lupin, alphonse and sakura]

Jan 10, 2011 11:49

[There's a lengthy pause in which she stares at the Forge, seething. The mirror behind her appears to be terribly distorted, possibly cracked. It's a hazy, moving surface, so it's a little hard to tell.

Part of the wall next to it is definitely cracked. Sunlight and mist filters in through the break in the stone, and illuminates the broken glass at her feet.

Which are bare.

And standing in a mess of bloody footpatterns. From a distance, it almost looks like a purposeful pattern - a decoration.

It is not.

There are dark smears on her fingers, too. Her voice is tight, and trembles underneath the tension. This post has made her very, very angry.]

I think it's high time that lessons were taught. Does anyone agree?

jane chatwin, malfatto, spencer reid, cara, !bellatrix lestrange, gin ichimaru

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