[Video] -- Sorry about the eight million privates

Jan 08, 2011 12:19

[The Forge is on, clicked and running, the camera zoomed in on a fork that’s sporting an awkwardly bent prong. There’s a figure in blue in the background, though with the video running as it is, he’s difficult to make out, more of fuzzy silhouette than anything. He’s cooking, judging from the sound of the sizzling, but with the obvious random mutters of discontent, it’s going about as well as it normally does with him.]

I think I’m getting better with my dreams, or at least making them last longer. Had another one last night, every Scorched in the city sitting in a big circle, all of them grinning a little too wide, a little too...off? Then, one by one, they peeled off their faces, only they weren’t faces but masks and underneath, it was just…darkness. Shadows. I couldn’t see anything.

[There’s a second of silence before the wet plop of something…followed by the second, heavier plop of something else. The blurred figure in the background ducks, dashing out of the way of a golden blob falling from the ceiling.]

...I hope pancake batter isn’t too hard to clean. I didn’t know it would fly that high when I flipped it. Heh.

[Cough, cough.]

Hey, guys? Breakfast is ready, if you want it? [If you dare. Really, it’s not going to be good; the smoke that drifts in front of the video and the raining batter is going to prove that.]

Oh, and hey, Irene? I’m ready whenever you are.

[He's quiet for another moment, before a thumb comes into view, covering the camera in ominous darkness for a second.] Blasts from the past. I wonder who they're harder on: the one seeing it or the one living it.

Private to Angeal

Did you see who’s back? [And have a wary clearing of the throat.] Did you go see him yet? If, ah, you don’t mind me asking, I mean.

Private to Cloud

[He’s quiet for a moment, his brow furrowed just a bit.] Ever have someone just rub you the wrong way? Or give you the creeps? Like, heebie-jeebie creeps? You see, there’s this doctor here, and…I dunno. Maybe it’s just me. Probably is. Ever since--you know-- I don't like docs.

Private to Elena

[Nervous laugh.] You weren’t serious about that examination, were you?

Private to Priscilla

Um, mind if I ask you something about one your friends? Nothing bad, I promise!

Private to Dawnie-face

So, do you have any blueprints on the memorial? Anyway I can help?

Private to Isley

Um, got a minute?

cara, tseng, heine rammsteiner, priscilla, dawn summers, isley, malfatto, angeal hewley, !zack fair, jason todd

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