Tomorrow marks my four hundred and forty-forth day here. That's a pretty big deal, right?
[She'll let the significance of that sink in. ...Or complete lack thereof.]
Sometimes it feels like I just arrived here yesterday. And sometimes it feels like another lifetime. Sometimes I wonder, if I went home now...
[She trails off. That's probably not
Read more... )
No way! No way no way no way!
[Because yeah, big help.]
[And something is kicked. rawr.]
He's really good! He makes people feel better, and he saves lives! So how can he possibly be a bad person?
I just--Well, I'm glad he can do that-- I really am-- but I'm fine! I don't need a physical! I'm in perfect health!
Well could you at least let him...look at you from across the room or something? It'll be bad for company morale if I make an exception.
If you're a good patient, I'll give you a delicious sweet.
I just...It's just... It's not cool, that's all!
Not... cool?
It's not your uniform; that's just weird looking, nothing else. It's... It's something that happened in my past. I can't--it's hard to explain. [Or rather, he doesn't want to.]
Yeah, not--oh, right. Um, not okay. Not all right. I don't like it.
Some deep-set emotional issue, then? Sad boy. How unfortunate that your past would influence your future so. Without medical care, how do you hope to survive injury? Can you manage on your own? I doubt it, if your employer is making appointments for you. {Now he's curious.}
Then why not merely say so, instead of referring to temperature? It seems a tad random.
Well, more like bad memories. [Except you had it right the first time, there.] I can heal fast and can take a beating pretty well, thanks to my last job. My "employer" is just being an over-achiever and making sure we don't use any sick days.
Um, well, you see, it's a saying where we come from. Couldn't tell you where it came from. I guess it is kinda random, huh?
Don't you have any sayings that don't make much logical sense?
None that I use, I don't think. I suppose if yours are normal to you, you don't notice them. Perhaps I do use some and am simply unaware. Eh.
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