[Video] A Proposal From Junpei.

Nov 21, 2010 09:44

[The forge kicks on, and Junpei's smiling face is very close to the screen.]

Hey, guys?

I got an idea.

Not "I have an idea." I got one. In a dream.

Well, I've kinda had the idea for a while, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and this dream really, like, pushed me to do something about it.

[He starts glancing around. He's probably talking with his hands, even though you can't see them.]


With all the crap that goes on around here, you know... Giant tentacles tearing up the place, monster wolves eating our pants, weird smoke that does weird stuff to people, crazy ladies magicking innocent people in the streets... like... shouldn't we do something about it? We're the ones with powers and stuff, so don't we have a responsibility to use 'em to help out? Not just for us, but for everyone here. The regular people too, the ones who can't fight Octosquid Monsters From The Deep, and The Mist That Wouldn't Die, or the Anatolian Werewolf In... uh, Anatole. You know what I mean! If we have these gifts, or curses, or whatever, shouldn't we do something besides sit on our asses waiting for it to come to us, then screwing around fighting them, then taking a nap til the next thing comes along? That's lame. I'm serious, guys.

So anyway, what I was thinking is we should start a hero squad.

[You can hear excitement in his voice. His eyes are wide, and he's grinning.]

No, listen! Imagine it. All you guys with powers, and the ones who don't have powers but kick some serious ass anyway, we get together and we like... protect the city from danger, right? Tell me that's not awesome! We get together - whenever we can, it's not like a job or something where you have to do it every day - or you can even go solo if you want - and we have a look around, and help people that need helping (they have crime here, right?), stop bank robberies, catch thieves, fight bad guys, thwart plots, pull babies out of trees, rescue kittens tied up on train tracks, damsels in distress [He waggles his eyebrows], huh? Huh? And when the big stuff goes down, we can all team up and save the world! We'll be an awesome superhero team. Are you with me?

And... maybe we can wear costumes! [He already has one in mind, and wolf-fighting reward money to spend on it.]

[He's superexcited now.]

Come on guys. Let's do this. I mean it. Let me know if you're interested. This thing is officially a go!

magnus/magneto, zack fair, isley, dawn summers, !junpei iori, jason todd

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