35. [Video]

May 26, 2010 18:57

Priscilla: [Video suddenly kicks in, and all you can see is... nothing, as something seems to be covering the camera. ...the next thing you see is a big silver eye and a few wisps of platinum hair.]

Aah! I think it turned on? It's recording this.

Senji: [There's a little bit of silence as he looks over the situation.]

What did you do now? ...Turn that thing off. Unless it has GPS, it ain't gonna help us.

Priscilla: Unless it has what? You don't make any sense at least... half the time. Um. Okay, I think it's... why won't it turn off?!

Senji: Are you even hittin' the right buttons?

[Some visual jostling as he takes the Forge from her in an attempt to turn it off himself... with minimal success, apparently. He frowns and shoves it back at her.]

The damn thing is busted, probably from all this mist. Just ignore it.

Priscilla: ...oh. I-- [And then she goes silent. For a long time.] I... Papa?

Senji: Huh? ...Hey, what are you staring at?

Priscilla: [And off she goes. No warning, just running.] P-Papa! I... no, come back!

Senji: Hey! What-- dammit. Priscilla! [Aaand there's the sound of him running after her.]

[The camera jars and all you see is streaks of white and the occasional camera-full of cloth. After a few moments, the feed finally cuts out.]

[OOC: Any replies will be made from the safety of Nagi's noodle shop once Priscilla calms down!]

!senji "crow" kiyomasa, !priscilla

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