-06- [Voice]

May 26, 2010 16:19

Captain? Captain Hughes, sir?

[The transmission quality is pretty bad, tinny with intermittent static. Her voice, to those who know it's nuances well enough, sounds a little embarrassed and a little... frightened? Or it could just be the poor audio playing tricks on you.]

Cadet Hawkeye here. Forgive me, sir, but I seem to be lost. [crackle crackle static] ...night watch at the tower but I can't seem to find my way back to base... [crackle static crackle] ...out on the battlefield? There are... [more static] bodies. Sir, was the Crimson Alchemist in this sector today? Because [staaaatic] ...not gunshots.

[extended period of static garbling her voice]

...fire somewhere. I can hear it, but I can't see it through the... fog. Sir? Come in, please.

eve, !riza hawkeye, scar, mei chan, utena tenjo

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