003 ⌈☠⌋ Video

Feb 28, 2010 01:14

[Darkness, and silence; all that disrupts the stillness of the night are the distant sounds of panicked whimpering beneath strained breathing. The video registers to show a glimpse of dirty cobblestone under fabulous victorian black-tipped red boots, before the images blur with the motion of the Forge being moved to rest atop a trashcan, it seems. The soft clank of metal briefly overpowers the audio as the camera refocuses. The lighting is very poor, but one can make out the figure of a young male pressed into the corner of what seems to be a dead-end alley. His chest heaves as he grasps onto his shoulder, the fabric ther considerably darkened in comparison to the rest of his brown shirt.

Those same high-heeled boots clank against the ground as Grell steps forward, swinging a hand up to casually cover his lips as his frame shakes in a cough. All that can be seen of the reaper is a peek of his lower right side as he moves to the left of the screen - but to those that know him, that spill of brilliant red hair over a matching crimson-stained coat would be all too recognizable.]

Boy: What did you do? Are you filming me?! You sick freak!

[Grell drops his hand down to his side with a chuckle, as he swings his opposite out to strike the boy with an unrecognizable silver and red object.The boy cries out and stays down for a moment, before pulling himself up again, backing into the corner once again with soft groans.]

Grell: I'm growing rather tired of listening to your fussing, my dear. Your voice is so much lovelier when you cry out for me - so why don't we put it to better use, hm? You're going to be part of a spectacular performance!

[The boy's body stiffens, eyes shifting between Grell and the object that now rests by Grell's side, off-screen. It seems that he's moved it to flaunt before the other, a faint silver reflection illuminating the boy's face ever so slightly.]

Boy: W-what? No! No, not that again! Just let me go! Please!

Grell: Now, why should I do that, after you've dirtied my favorite coat with those disgusting eggs? That really has me frustrated, you know!. Children like you - ... [he pauses as a short coughing fit interrupts him] ...Ugh... Children like you have been irritating me to no end... You and your friends should have been more considerate!

[He clears his throat with a small huff.] So now I'd just like to relieve a little stress -- and you will be the one to-

Boy: I-I'm not doing anything for you! I won't throw eggs anymore, so just let me go! [He attempts to stand on shaky legs.]

Grell: Tch! [His body stiffens irritably.] I don't believe you have a choice, darling. Are you prepared to perform your duet with my deathscythe? [His stance shifts, and his arm reels back.] Now, sing for me.

[The roar of a chainsaw overpowers the sound of the boy's scream of terror. He attempts to dodge Grell in the path of escape, but as unsteady as his legs are, he tumbles into the trashcans, knocking over the Forge. The screen goes black, and the transmission cuts out.]

zack fair, !grell sutcliffe, rorschach, light yagami, genkaku

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