[01] video

Feb 28, 2010 01:30

[The forge flickers on! At first, viewers are treated to a fantastic view of a room, upside-down. Then, the forge is shaken, tossed in the air, and knocked against against a bedpost. There's some odd muttering in some unidentifiable language. Then, finally, the camera picks up a fellow. He's a strange looking fellow, with black skin, an enormous, wide-brimmed hat with a huge white feather, pointy ears, and a black eyepatch over his left eye. Also, he's still holding the Forge upside down. His green eyes twinkle at it, and he looks, for being zapped her quite suddenly, in good humor. Then, ignorant of the fact the device is on, he keeps turning it around in his hands, talking to himself.]

Oh my, have I managed to irritate the Weave itself recently? Goddess, it was only a little studying! Now, what is this fascinating contraption? Svirfneblin, probably? Maybe a Harpell creation.....Harpell artificers. As if the world needed such horrors.

[laughter. He continues muttering to himself, though it's hard to hear...and it might definitely be another language as he feels the device. His clothes are...flamboyant, with some interesting trinkets taped to a colorful cloak. There's a rapier at his side, as well.]

aang, !jarlaxle, rorschach, mail "matt" jeevas

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